Managerial Skills in Organizations

Subject: Analysis of Contemporary Managerial Skills

I am writing to analyze the top five of the ten essential managerial skills for contemporary managers and discuss three additional skills that should have been included in the list, focusing on their relevance in today’s business environment and the specific trends within the wheelchair industry. Based on the eight managerial skills, I have discussed the two that need more development and two representing my strengths.
Justification of Top Five Essential Skills
Communication skill: Effective communication is a vital skill for today’s managers. Today’s business landscape is dynamic as businesses have incorporated remote work and global teams, necessitating the ability for managers to communicate effectively across different models (Kaur Bagga et al., 2023). Managers must excel in articulating ideas clearly and listening actively to ensure mutual understanding and alignment within teams. Furthermore, as digital communication tools have enhanced how organizations work and communicate, managers must be adept at using different platforms to communicate, ensuring effective collaboration and decision-making, locally and internationally.
Building trust in individual relationships: Building trust in individual relationships locally and at a distance is essential for managers in today’s dynamic business environment. Trust is the foundation for effective communication, collaboration, and team performance (Engebø et al., 2020). Managers can cultivate strong relationships, facilitate open dialogue, and inspire loyalty by fostering trust with individuals. In a globalized world where teams may be geographically dispersed, a manager’s ability to establish trust across distances is vital for maintaining cohesion and achieving g collective goals. Building trust on an individual level empowers managers to navigate complexities, resolve conflicts, and drive success within their teams and organizations.
Understanding the industry and its environment: In today’s fast-paced business environment, managers must stay abreast of industry trends, technological advancements, and market dynamics to ensure competitive advantage (Skordoulis et al., 2020). The skill enables managers to make informed decisions, anticipate changes, and proactively identify opportunities for innovation and growth. Within the wheelchair industry, technological advancements and regulatory changes frequently occur, necessitating a manager’s deep understanding of the immediate industry environment and legal requirements to maintain competitiveness and meet the evolving needs of their customers.
Developing new ideas for customer problem-solving: Developing innovative solutions to address customer problems is crucial for sustaining an organization’s growth (Azeem et al., 2021). Today’s business landscape is customer-centric, focusing on constantly evolving customer preferences and expectations, requiring a manager’s ability to anticipate and adapt to the changes promptly. By fostering meaningful connections with customers at every level of the organization, managers can gain valuable insights and build brand loyalty and customer satisfaction through innovative ideas that ensure long-term success in the wheelchair industry.
Leading and planning for change: Leadership in change management is essential for contemporary managers. With the volatility in today’s business environment characterized by rapid technological advancements and shifting market dynamics, the ability of a manager to lead and plan for change is substantial for the organization’s adaptability and competitive advantage (Day et al., 2021). Managers must develop robust processes to manage change effectively and use them to lead change events within their organizations. By embracing change and guiding teams through transition periods, a manager will ensure adaptability, resilience, and organizational agility, ensuring sustained success in the wheelchair industry.
Three Essential Managerial Skills Not Included in the List
Digital literacy and technology integration: In today’s digital age, managers must deeply understand technology and its integration into business operations. Digital literacy and technology integration involve a manager’s familiarity with digital tools for communication, project management, data analysis, and innovation. Digital literacy enables managers to leverage technology effectively, streamline operations, and stay competitive in rapidly evolving markets (Cetindamar Kozanoglu & Abedin, 2020). Similarly, harnessing technology for knowledge management and customer relations is crucial for delivering value and enhancing customer experiences and significantly depends on a manager’s competency in digital literacy and technology integration.
Global mindset and cultural competence: Globalization has driven interconnectedness among businesses globally, necessitating managers to demonstrate a global mindset and cultural competence. Managers must understand diverse cultural norms, communication systems, and business practices across regions they wish to expand to or are already operating. By embracing cultural diversity and fostering inclusive environments, managers can effectively lead multinational teams, navigate cross-cultural negotiations, and capitalize on global opportunities (Štetka & Grisáková, 2022). Building trust at individual and team levels across distances requires cultural sensitivity and adaptability.
Strategic thinking and decision-making: Strategic thinking and decision-making are fundamental skills for managers guiding organizations toward long-term success (Sulich et al., 2021). The skill involves analyzing industry trends, competitor strategies, and market dynamics to inform strategic initiatives and resource allocations. By making informed decisions grounded in comprehensive analysis, managers will steer their organizations through uncertainty and capitalize on emerging opportunities (Sulich et al., 2021). Strategic thinking also incorporates anticipating future challenges, proactively planning for change, and fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.
Two Skills Requiring More Development
Given today’s managerial roles’ breadth, depth, and complexities, I find digital literacy, technology integration, strategic thinking, and decision-making vital for further development.
Digital literacy and technology integration: The skill is pivotal in harnessing the potential of modern tools and platforms to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and foster innovation. As technology evolves rapidly, I must continuously update my digital skills as a manager to effectively leverage emerging technologies for business growth and ensure competitiveness.
Strategic thinking and decision-making: The skill is essential for navigating the strategic landscape of the wheelchair industry and making informed decisions during uncertainty. As I develop a strategic mindset, I anticipate market trends, identify opportunities, and formulate effective strategies to achieve organizational objectives.
Moreover, honing my decision-making skills will equip me to evaluate alternatives, assess risks, and make sound decisions that align with long-term business goals. Further refinement of digital literacy and technology integration, as well as strategic thinking and decision-making, will empower me to navigate the complexities of the business environment with confidence and agility.
Skills Reflecting My Strengths
Communication skills: Effective communication is fundamental to my managerial strengths, enabling me to convey ideas, foster collaboration, and build strong relationships with stakeholders at all levels. Through active listening and adept articulation, I ensure that communication flows smoothly within teams, promoting mutual understanding and alignment toward common goals. My proficiency in using various modes of communication, including verbal, written, and digital platforms, facilitates seamless interaction and information sharing even in diverse and distributed teams.
Furthermore, my communication skills extend beyond transmitting information to incorporate the ability to inspire, motivate, and influence others. By tailoring my communication style to suit different audiences and situations, I create an inclusive and engaging environment that encourages participation and fosters creativity. When communicating strategic objectives, providing feedback, and resolving conflicts, I leverage my communication skills to facilitate meaningful dialogue and drive positive outcomes.
Leading and planning for change:
Leading and planning for change is another area where my strengths as a manager stand out. The ability to navigate change effectively is crucial for organizational success in today’s dynamic business environment, characterized by rapid technological advancements and evolving market dynamics. Drawing upon my strategic foresight and leadership capabilities, I proactively anticipate change, assess its impact, and develop robust plans to guide my teams through transition.
As a change leader, I inspire confidence and instill a sense of purpose among team members, fostering a culture of adaptability and resilience. Communicating the rationale behind the change initiatives and soliciting stakeholder input ensures buy-in and commitment, facilitating smoother implementation and minimizing resistance. Moreover, I leverage data-driven insights and best practices to inform decision-making throughout the change process, enhancing its effectiveness and maximizing its outcomes.

Thank you for considering my analysis and self-reflection. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further clarification or information.

Carlos Cummings

Azeem, M., Ahmed, M., Haider, S., & Sajjad, M. (2021). Expanding competitive advantage through organizational culture, Knowledge sharing and organizational innovation. Technology in Society, 66, 101635.
Cetindamar Kozanoglu, D., & Abedin, B. (2020). Understanding the role of employees in digital transformation: Conceptualization of digital literacy of employees as a multi-dimensional organizational affordance. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 34(6), 1649–1672.
Day, D. V., Riggio, R. E., Tan, S. J., & Conger, J. A. (2021). Advancing the science of 21st-century leadership development: Theory, research, and Practice. The Leadership Quarterly, 32(5), 101557.
Engebø, A., Klakegg, O. J., Lohne, J., Bohne, R. A., Fyhn, H., & Lædre, O. (2020). High-performance building projects: How to build trust in the team. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 18(6), 774–790.
Kaur Bagga, S., Gera, S., & Haque, S. N. (2023). The mediating role of Organizational Culture: Transformational Leadership and Change Management in virtual teams. Asia Pacific Management Review, 28(2), 120–131.
Skordoulis, M., Ntanos, S., Kyriakopoulos, G. L., Arabatzis, G., Galatsidas, S., & Chalikias, M. (2020). Environmental innovation, open innovation dynamics and competitive advantage of medium and large-sized firms. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(4), 195.
Sulich, A., Sołoducho-Pelc, L., & Ferasso, M. (2021). Management styles and decision-making: Pro-Ecological Strategy Approach. Sustainability, 13(4), 1604.
Štetka, P., & Grisáková, N. (2022). Cross-cultural segmentation: Hierarchical Clustering Analysis using Hofstede’s cultural model. Sustainable Business Development Perspectives 2022.

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