This activity will address module outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to:
- Discuss leadership issues in an increasingly complex, changing, and challenging environment. (CO 4, 5, 6)
- Analyze various leadership decisions regarding cybersecurity and determine the strengths and weaknesses of some courses of action. (CO 4)
- Explain the importance of leadership in relation to cybersecurity across an enterprise. (CO 5, 6)
- Compare two forms of leadership during significant breaches to an organization. (CO 4, 5)
- Discuss the importance of consequence management and leadership. (CO 5, 6)
Two massive breaches occurred in the retail industry in 2014, one at Target, the other at Home Depot. In each case, leadership and breach management was scrutinized. Though the Home Depot breach was worse than the Target attack, Target stock dropped almost instantly, while Home Depot did not have a deep, continuous decline. How a CEO leads the organization before, during, and after an attack may be key to the future market and branding success of the company as well.
Read the following documents and answer the questions:
- Aguilar, L. A. (2014, June 10). Boards of directors, corporate governance and cyber-risks: Sharpening the focus (Links to an external site.). Retrievedfrom
- Much, J. (2013, May 15). Beware the coming SEC regulations on cybersecurity (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from
- Hill, C. (2014, September 25). Home Depot’s data breach is worse than Target’s, so where’s the outrage? (Links to an external site.) Retrieved from
- Levin, A. (2014, June 15). After the big data breach, has Target learned its lesson? (Links to an external site.) Retrieved from
Respond to the following:
- Compare the attacks at Target and Home Depot.
- What do the articles say about the consequences of the attacks?
- What was the role of leadership before, during, and after the attacks?
- Discuss some of the strengths and failings of the leadership and board members.
- What does the former SEC commissioner say about cybersecurity and its relationship to the board room?
- Finally, what recommendations are there for leaders?
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