1 (a) Consider your personal approach to engaging with stakeholders in your professional capacity.
(i) Comment on how you understand different stakeholder
requirements. (10)
(ii) Comment on how you influence different stakeholders. (10)
(iii) Comment on how you act on feedback from stakeholders. (10)
Notes: In (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) you must give relevant examples to support your answers.
Your stakeholder engagement does not have to be health and safety- related; it can relate to a previous job or experience.
(b) From your analysis in part (a) suggest THREE actions that you consider will improve your engagement with stakeholders.
For EACH action you must
- provide a detailed description of the action.
- explain what difference the action(s) will make to your engagement with stakeholders.
- explain how you will review the effectiveness of these actions. (30)
Notes: You must use the Task 1(b) format table provided in the answer sheet to record your answer.
There are 10 marks available for each action.
Task 2: Transferable leadership skills
The aim of this part of the assessment is for you to reflect on transferable leadership and professional skills that you may already have and/or need to develop. These skills could have been acquired either through your work life (whether this is in health and safety or some other work activities) or your personal life.
For instance, you may want to draw examples where you have been chairing a meeting or been required to make decisions under pressure. Alternatively, you may carry out voluntary work and want to draw on this for your examples. The examples can be from any element of your working or personal life.
2 (a) Compare your own leadership experience against the characteristics of a transformational leader. You should identify EIGHT transformational leader characteristics and show how these are, or are not, reflected in your own leadership style.
You must use relevant personal examples to support your answer. (20)
Note: You must use the Task 2(a) format table provided in the answer sheet to record your answers.
(b) Select what you consider to be the TWO most important transformational leader characteristics, and comment on how you will develop these, what difference they will make to your leadership style, and how you will review
the effectiveness of the changes. (20)
Notes: You must use the Task 2(b) format table provided in the answer sheet to record your answers.
There are 10 marks available for each characteristic.
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