Worth 20 points
NAME: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Give Month/Date of ISMP ERR Newsletter: _____________________________________________
Skim the whole newsletter to understand the issues addressed.
- Write a paragraph or 2 to discuss the LEAD article covered on page 1 of the issue:
Address the Error or Problem that occurred – Key Points and chain of events
Discuss the possible solutions to this problem – how to prevent in future.
- List and discuss one or two other topics or situations discussed in this ISSUE:
Have you observed any similar events?
- Describe or suggest actions a NURSE MANAGER might wish to take based on this issue of the NEWSLETTER-ERR: (for example – a poster board information, an inservice on a subject, or a QA assessment or survey the staff for input.)
- List and discuss any situations that you have observed that are similar or would also be considered unsafe for Medication Administration. (what would best promote SAFE MEDICINE PRACTICES?)
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