Introduction to Health and Social Care

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding historical and contemporary health and social care provision for different service-user groups.
  2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities one-to-one working skills required to work with individual clients within a role play scenario and reflect on and assess your role play performance and one-to-one working skills, identifying ways to improve future practice


The first assignment task is to write a 1500-word essay on ONE of the topics given below which relate to issues covered in Part 1 of the teaching programme. You must choose ONE of the following essay titles/topics.

1. One of the founding principles of the UK Welfare State is free, universal care at the point of delivery (National Health Service Bill. Official Report of House of Commons (Hansard) 1946). Critically assess this statement.

2. Drawing on examples from one service user group (older people, people with mental health issues, people with disabilities, or people with learning disabilities), discuss the key barriers to accessing health and social care services.

3. Partnership working is seen as a ‘joined up response‘  to health and social care needs. Critically discuss with reference to one of the following service user groups:  older people, people with mental health issues, or people with long term conditions/physical impairments.

4. ‘One of the founding principles of the UK Welfare State is a commitment to equality and treating equal need in the same way’ (Glasby, 2017 p119). Using examples from one service user group of your own choice, critically evaluate this statement.

Your essay should include:

  • Your chosen title
  • An introduction which tells the reader what the aims and objectives of the essay are and an overview of the themes you will be discussing.
  • A first paragraph in which you define the key terms used in your essay
  • The main body of your essay in paragraph format
  • A conclusion where you draw the threads of your discussion together and show how you have addressed your aims and objectives.

You will be expected to draw on parts of at least six sources, only one can be an Internet source and the remaining five should be academic/peer-reviewed sources (that is academic books or academic journals), to support your discussion.  The six is a minimum; students are encouraged to carry out wider reading.

Your essay must include qualitative and quantitative data, appropriately referenced.

Written expression is an important element of good written communication, so try to write clearly and accurately. Also put yourself in the position of the audience and ask yourself whether someone coming to your work ‘cold’ would be able to follow your train of thought. Proof read your work before handing it in and/or ask a trusted person to read it through for you.            

No more than 5 –10% of the assignment should be in the form of quotations.

You must use the Harvard referencing system to identify the source of all the information used in your assignment. You must reference systematically throughout the work itself and include a reference of the sources cited in your work.  Please pay particular attention secondary referencing in the referencing guidelines. You will find a copy of the latest referencing guidelines on the unit’s BREO site. Also read the section headed ‘Plagiarism and Bad Academic Practice’ in the Assessment and Feedback section of the unit’s BREO site.

Your work must be word processed, double spaced and page numbered. You must also include a word count. You are reminded that plagiarism of any type will be penalised and result in your work not being marked/failing.

In order to pass Assessment 1 you will need to:

• Using information drawn from recommended sources, explain how policy, legislation and strategy impact on health and social care provision for vulnerable service-user groups and people with protected characteristics.

• Summarise your findings and argument in an essay format following standard rules of grammar, punctuation, spelling and referencing.

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