Intragenerational Mobility

Use complete sentences, spell-check and grammar-check all of your responses. 

REMINDER: NO attachments will be accepted for a grade. All responses must be typed into the textbox.

Do not use Wiki or Google (zero points). 
You can prepare your responses in a draft, and then cut/paste from your prepared response by “copying” from your document and then using the “Ctrl” and “v” keys simultaneously to paste into the text box. 

Use the textbook. Include the page numbers from the textbook and also number each of your five definitions. 

1) Using at least four complete sentences, define and explain “stratification.” 4 points.

2) Using at least four complete sentences, define and explain “global stratification” (NOT “theories of global stratification”).  4 points.

3) Using at least four complete sentences, define and explain “intragenerational mobility.” 4 points.

4) Using at least four complete sentences, define and explain “intergenerational mobility.” 4 points.

5) Using at least four complete sentences, define and explain “meritocracy.” 4 points.

To ensure that you receive all 20 points, be sure to review the grading rubric before you submit any work.

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