Improvement of Amenities

The history of organizational change can be defined by systemic evolution that began in the nineteenth century. The organizations that exist today have evolved from rational systems that were largely organized to efficiently produce goods, to natural systems whereby organizational members were more involved. The current competitive form of organizations encompasses open systems whereby historical data is used in combination with an eye for the unknown, global future (Scott, 2016).
From a corporate perspective, the United States of America is a great example of the gradual change in corporate form. Initially, corporations were basically solitary entities created to complete public projects. Corporations existed because the expense to build national infrastructure, like roads and canals, was simply too expensive for an individual to fund. The emergence of professionally managed firms in the United States began just after the Civil War with the beginnings of railroad construction. This expansion of corporate form can be described in two separate phases. The first phase was that of powerful entrepreneurs expanding their organizations vertically, while the second phase consisted of a change in capital management philosophy to achieve greater expansion. As the demand for cost reduction and process orientation grew, a generation of professional managers gradually replaced the once dominant theme of a founding entrepreneur at the head of a corporation. The requirements of railroad creation and operational management in the United States spawned the development of complex corporate structure. This corporate structure changed because of a change in the process of economic trade. Railroads enabled more trade in not only the United States, but in France and Great Britain as well. For brevity, this writing will focus on the United States. However, it should be noted that railroads in each of these three nations sparked a change from a national emphasis on societal control and military dominance to an emphasis on economic expansion and adjusted corporate structure. The resulting processes of change and subsequent decision of each nation led to the unique structure of each nation as they exist today. Railroads called for a variety of tiered management personnel to operate efficiently. Moreover, as railroads enabled trade on a larger scale, a new problem existed in regard to government management versus private business management. This was the beginning of transforming political structures from a focus on societal order to that of economic expansion (Scott, 2016). Next, the railroads led to a change in the use of stock exchanges. With the capital requirements of funding railway systems, the stock market transitioned from the trade of government debt to the modern investor culture. The stock market was the best route for corporations to raise the financial capital needed to progress the process of infrastructure improvements. These improvements in national infrastructure built momentum for increasing desires of economic competitiveness. With the pooling of resources to accomplish tasks and the associated reduction of singular government controls, ethics and integrity began to gain traction. With the shift from unitary to multi-paradigm corporate structures, more avenues of fraudulent activity have continually presented themselves. This continues to be seen today with growing standards of corporate governance needed to minimize investor risk. In the later half of the 19th century the American economy was growing faster than that of any economy in the world, and businesses were able to grow to an enormous size before having to maximize the utility of production (Scott, 2016). These companies can be described as U-form companies that were directly linked to the economic expansion that resulted from the railroads. U form companies gave way to M-form structured companies that are multi divisional. The key feature of the M-form company was the emergence of hierarchical levels whereby a head office would create an overall corporate strategy with an associated resource allocation for the various divisions of the corporation. The M-form company structure is better suited to compete on a global scale.
As business corporations of the twentieth century came into prominence a timeline of historical shift can be traced from guilds of the middle ages. The evolution has led to corporations that now exist in various forms. In current times, the trend is headed towards an increasingly connected and unified global economy. Although corporations may be legally incorporated in one area, they exist simultaneously in various capacities and forms in other areas. In other words, increasing connectivity and a shift to multi national thinking has created an economy for corporations in which the entire world is the base of operation. With this new knowledge of continued global metamorphosis it is important for leaders in different national states to emphasize a change from monocultural to multicultural values in education. As the process of moving from monocultural to multicultural thinking societies leads to new structures of operation, it is important to consider all aspects of impact. The people participating in this new mindset of operation must be prepared for the high levels of social stressors and subsequent possibility of decreased psychological well being. Artificial intelligence and the internet are strange ways that powerful elites can undermine the effort of those who are seeking to effect positive change on a global scale: doing what they can on an individual basis to to facilitate the effort. Teamwork is critical to navigating through the trenches of this battle. Results from a recent study indicate that members of multicultural work teams perceive significantly more social stressors and lower levels of social resources than do members of monocultural teams; higher levels of social stressors suggest decreased psychological well-being, while social resources have an indirect positive effect on psychological well-being (Leifels & Bowen, 2021).
As the trajectory of change to open and dynamic systems takes global precedence it is important to maintain focus on the humanitarian aspect of multicultural acceptance. This is not simply a means to treating people better, it is actually the best route to peak economic performance! Let’s be clear about this, by treating the world better corporations stand to realize more financial gain! It is now critical to understand different ways of changing attitudes that will foster this growth. One study looked at the changing implicit leadership theories that existed internally at an Irish business school. By studying internal cause to desired effect upon internal organizational culture, corporations are better equipped to adapt strategy to influence external ways of thinking. In this example, students from the same business student population rated men, women and managers in general, using Schein’s Descriptive Index, first during the academic year 2008–2009 and again in 2018–2019; the results of data analysis using the same population and same measurements at a ten year interval found that male students no longer gender type the managerial role (Berkery & Ryan, 2023). By focusing on the factors that led to this change, one can interpolate strategy into an external environment of similar characteristic. At the very least it would not be of poor consequence to try! The link between gender and managerial stereotypes is real and must be addressed. If you were unaware, the disgusting paradigm of this relativity theory is referred to as the TMTM paradigm: “think manager-think male” (Berkery & Ryan, 2023). How about “think manager-think manager”?
In order to achieve organizational objectives, organizations require the participation of human beings. As corporations have unlimited life, barring any negative setbacks, the relationship to external participants and associated social boundaries can be seen as a problem that is constantly evolving. With natural and open systems becoming more prominent, especially in light of the trend towards a globally connected economy, the benefits of embracing human beings of all identities will help reduce the alienation felt by those working in the new world of employment (Scott, 2016). In an extreme example, a ban on women driving was recently lifted in Saudi Arabia as a “current economic policy”. A recent study found that mobility constraints, moderated by socioeconomic status, continued to restrict women´s mobility even after the lift of the ban, reinforced by societal and family opposition; the “opposition effected impact” shows that mobility constraints and overly conservative attitudes that Saudi women face continue to affect their labor market preferences, opportunities, choices, and outcomes (Inmaculada et al., 2023). This entire example is sadly laughable from all perspectives for reasons that do not need be explained, but the lesson learned is that mono cultural ways of thinking and educating leave other cultures blind to real world issues. In order to progress as human beings, multicultural awareness and educated perspective is needed. Those who choose to not participate in the new global economy, with respect for humanity, will simply be dominated. Is it funny that the trend seems to be moving toward God?
New forms of organizational structure must focus on incorporating increasing levels of interdependence and complexity in order to achieve the diverse goals of dynamically changing global complexity (Scott, 2016). The continued entanglement with military expansionism and hierarchical separation between public and private spheres, which has enabled the appropriation of natural systems and others labor as property is an issue of structural interdependence that must evolve (Eversberg, 2021). It can simply be acknowledged that people are not products, so in turn the work of people should be the product of that person. How can gainful personal utility of the individual existence be emphasized, while the larger economic goals of the world are realized? This is a question that must be pondered and continuously acted on to achieve structures of new design: structures that will improve the quality of life for everyone on earth, in an equal and non marginalized manner. As the old saying goes, “you get what you put into it”; but it is difficult for a person to get anything out of a situation based on old ideology, especially while encompassed in an oppressive environment. These are elementary issues that must be addressed while facing the challenges of changing the fundamental form of organization moving into the future. Everything is now being called into question as globalization is wreaking havoc on the once defining relationship of a corporation with a nation-state. At an increasing rate, the concept of an organization has changed due to intensified competition and globalization. Perhaps a new organizational paradigm will develop from the emerging open global network. As organizations have emphasized focus on empirical evidence of the past to achieve future performance, a trending focus must be placed on environmental mobility and predicted financial impact. Those who can build this focus with emphasis on treating others how they would like to be treated will be the long term “winners”; in reality they are the winners regardless of the time frame.
As a parable of the importance of asynchronous connectivity, the World Health Organization draws attention to the need for a focus on innovation created by digital transformations (Joseph & McCray, 2023). Just as it is important to expand the reach of healthcare initiatives, it similarly important to expand the reach of asynchronous communication modes for the interconnected, dynamic open network system to be globally successful. The main reason behind this includes its ability to handle constraints and accommodate the performance objectives in an optimal way; this dynamical system is technically referred to as a distributed networked system (Zhou et al., 2019). “Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that showeth mercy, with cheerfulness. Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer” (Romans 12:8-12). As the bible says in Romans, leadership approaches must rely heavily on the word of God to achieve righteous progress; especially in the evolving dynamic networks of open systems. These networks require leaders who understand and respect a multicultural approach to economic growth with an emphasis on progressing the state of the human condition worldwide. This will require strength as communist opposition is a significant threat.
It is now more important than ever for educators to understand the nature of the global economy. Moreover, leaders and educators must understand the trajectory of the global economy and begin to help implement associated educational measures to foster a global culture of respect. Great importance must be placed on the aspects of recognizing, valuing, and respecting the family, culture, language, and values of each child’s family worldwide; this culture of respect and open attitude must further be articulated beginning with the literature read by the children of this world (Adam, 2021). Moreover, the literature should support the human rights and equitable, socially just outcomes for all people; with an emphasis on continued economic expansion through open connectivity, not unified organization with dominance of a few select leaders. Research must not only be conducted, it must be evaluated for plans of action. For example, research on the types of book collections used for children’s education moving through university education must be assessed for multicultural productivity. Less negative political influence must be involved at the top of corporations that are creating the educational material as well. The past is the past and it must be taught that it will not repeat itself because mistakes must be learned from. The accountability is on us as a people to make changes today that will benefit the future generations; this requires forgiveness of the evil acts committed by some of our ancestors. It is time to let go and seek positive outcomes for all. A great start would be to assess the materials used in various school districts nationwide. Then, begin the process of communication to find understanding among educators to move from an obsolete way of thinking towards a gainful collective approach of humanity through interconnected individual achievement and constant peer to peer motivation.

Adam, H. (2021). When authenticity goes missing: How monocultural Children’s literature is silencing the voices and contributing to invisibility of children from minority backgrounds. Education Sciences, 11(1), 32.
Berkery, E., & Ryan, N. F. (2023). A longitudinal study investigating changing implicit leadership theory in an irish business school. Gender in Management, 38(5), 687-702.
Eversberg, D. (2021). From democracy at others’ expense to externalization at democracy’s expense: Property-based personhood and citizenship struggles in organized and flexible capitalism. Anthropological Theory, 21(3), 315-340.
Joseph-Richard, P., & McCray, J. (2023). Evaluating leadership development in a changing world? alternative models and approaches for healthcare organisations. Human Resource Development International, 26(2), 114-150.
King James Bible. (2023). King James Bible Online. to an external site. (Original work published 1769)
Leifels, K., & Bowen, P. (2021). The dark side of teamwork–the relationship between social stressors, social resources and team member well-being in monocultural and multicultural work teams. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 28(4), 867-893.
Macias-Alonso, I., Kim, H., & González, A. L. (2023). Self-driven women: Gendered mobility, employment, and the lift of the driving ban in saudi arabia. Gender, Place and Culture : A Journal of Feminist Geography, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-20.
Scott, W. R., & Davis, G. F. (2016). Organizations and organizing: Rational, natural, and open system perspectives. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Zhou, Y., Li, D., Xi, Y., & Gan, Z. (2019). Periodic event‐triggered control for distributed networked multiagents with asynchronous communication: A predictive control approach. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 29(1), 43-66.

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