Important Psychological Factors for Social Workers


Communicating directly with children and young people themselves is essential in social work practice today. Discuss this assertion with reference to key practical and psychological factors you consider important for social workers to bear in mind, in ongoing direct work with a child or young person and why.

Essay Details

1,200 words

Harvard referencing

Answer all parts of the questions make sure to reference question throughout and back up all with references and evidence – Use sub headings if required

Include some Irish journals, papers or examples.

To be wrote in Irish context regarding TUSLA (SOCIAL WORKERS)

Relevant Resources and Readings

Bower M. (Editor) (2005), Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice; Thinking Under Fire. 

Fahlberg, V. (2004) A Childs Journey through Placement. BAAF 

Music, G. (2017) Nurturing Natures Attachment and Children’s Emotional Sociocultural and Brain Development. Routledge. 

Oaklander V (1978) Windows to our Children. Real People Press. 

Tait, A. and Wash, H. Direct Work with Vulnerable Children: Playful Activities and Strategies for Communication. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2012 

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