Homework 3: Article Critique

  1. Describe the study population
  • What was the independent variable of interest in this study?
  • This study makes use of two different versions of this independent variable. 

    What are these two versions?

 What type of variable is each?

  • How were participants recruited into the study?
  •  What type of sample was taken?
  • Table 1 gives characteristics of the participants across the survival groups.  A footnote in this table reads, “Note. Chi-square test or analysis of variance was used to determine differences across groups.”
  • Which test (chi-square or ANOVA) was used to assess the relationship between Age and Years Since Diagnosis? 
  • What was the p-value from this test? 
  • What’s your conclusion for this test?
  • Which test (chi-square or ANOVA) was used to assess the relationship between Severity of other illnesses and Years Since Diagnosis?
  • What was the p-value from this test
  • What’s your conclusion for this test?
  • What was the mean number of years since diagnosis for each of the three survival groups?
  • Table 2 shows the mean scores of the measured outcomes of interest across the different survival groups.  
  •       Which test was used to assess the difference in these outcomes across the groups? 

Explain why this is the appropriate test.

  • In your own words, briefly summarize the conclusions from Table 2.
  • Do you think that the results of this study can be applied to the general population of cancer survivors in New Zealand? Why or why not?

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