Global Crisis: Global Resilience Essay

3000 words in essay format with structured sections.

You will analyse the following topic doing your own investigation on the past, present and future of Global Resilience:

“Optimists argue that our world is nowadays less challenged from war, plagues and the fear of nuclear mass destruction. We have eliminated risks and we are building a technologically advanced and resilient society. Is this true? Is Global Resilience affected by other concerns that undermine the global economic and social stability? Are we going to experience more or different Global Crises and how well are we prepared to handle them?”

Analyse the topic by using one or multiple investigations on previous global crises and use references, reports and articles to support your personal view and opinion. (look into current and past crises, for example financial crisis, migration crisis, political conflicts etc..)

  • must have clear understanding about global resilienceand its meaning!! needs to be defined and explained at some point in the essay.
  • provide your own reflections and critical opinion (based on resources and ideas but go beyond)
  • critical thinking
  • are you on the optimist or pessimist side about the question?
  • also provide own perception, for example of peace in countries in your own perception and experience (not politically)
  • past crisis that inform about risks
  • elaborate about risks
  • potential sources of risks
  • global resilience
  • threats and enemies of resilience ?


A well structured essay that develops arguments around the given questions

References matter but not quantity as much as quality

Choose themes and cases to discuss… do not only talk abstractly about resilience

Focus on what is interesting to you… both Global Crises and the Global Society in Crisis are
relevant issues and subject to discuss as they both relate to Resilience (type I kai type II).

Be careful, resilience is not only about Global Warming.

Is the deliverable in the essay format? Yes – With sections, arguments, conclusions (but feel free
to work on your own structure)

What is the balance among literature, cases/ examples, my personal opinion? Equally balanced,
these are the ingredients of a good essay

Marking Criteria
The essays will be assessed based on the:

  • Clear understanding of the concepts of crisis and resilience in the Global context (20%)
  • Depth of investigation of previous and current cases and crises (20%)
  • Use of resources, academic articles, reports and articles to support the personal view on the topic of Global Resilience (20%)
  • Clear and strong personal view and statement on the topic with articulated arguments (20%)
  • Presentation and delivery of arguments in a structured and well written document (20%)

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