Objective: To create a factual handout about the geomorphic processes that have and continue to influence the Point Grey. These include:
- Coastal processes
- Mass movement/wasting
- Glaciation
During the field trip, pay attention to what your instructor says, taking notes, this information, coupled with the lectures and prescribed readings, will aid in the completion of your field trip assignment.
Field Trip Assignment
Create a 400 (± 10%) word explanation of the geomorphic processes that created Point Grey and are currently changing its morphology. Provide a conclusion on three ways the area can mitigate or adapt to these different geomorphologic processes.
This project should act as a document or handout that will inform people on the area viewed in during the field trip.
Due date:– late assignments will be deducted 10% per day
Format –
Saved as a PDF with file name (your initials_GEOG1190_002_Field_Trip_Assignment)
Writing - Name, student number word count (top right corner)
- Title – pick something unique
- Size 12 Arial font
- Double spaced
- Minimum three references in MLA format
- Images or pictures of the site(s)
- A context Google Earth Pro map illustrating the location of Point Gray regionally
- A specific Google Earth Pro map or two with the following locations. Point Grey, Cecil Green Park House, Museum of Anthropology, Tower Beach, Wreck Beach, north Arm Jetty, Trail 3, Trail 6, areas of cliff erosion, direction of littoral drift
- All maps must have: scale bar, legend, north arrow, title, and brief description
Field Notes
These are questions to answer and room for field notes.
- What was the influence of past glaciations on the Point Grey area? What were the names of the glaciations, when did they end?
- What are the factors affecting cliff erosion in the coastal area of Point Grey? What form of mass movement is occurring?
- What are the implications of this form of coastal erosion? What are some ways to adapt and/or mitigate this from occurring?
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