Framingham Heart Case Study


This case study analysis utilizes the Framingham Heart Study data for analysis. Students will be able to synthesize what they’ve learned throughout the term. This case study provides a practical application of bio-statistical concepts and analysis.


Case Study Analysis: Summary Assignment

For this assignment, students will use Microsoft Excel to analyze selected Framingham Heart Study data. Students will perform various statistical data analysis to answer specific research questions. Students will provide appropriate tables that summarizes the analysis. After the analysis, the students will provide a summary of each statistical result tables that were created from the data. Included will be a discussion of the appropriateness of the data collection methods used in the study in comparison to other methods. The student will than summarize the data analysis to not exceed 300 words.

Case Study Analysis: Interpretation Assignment

For this assignment, students will utilize the information from the Case Study Analysis Summary Assignment to create an oral presentation in which they summarize and interpret selected data from the Framingham Heart Study. Interpreting data is a crucial part of practical biostatistics that shows mastery of data evaluation and implications for application.

In both the summary paper and oral presentations, students will describe the study sample based on patient characteristics, compare risk factors among men and women, determine which characteristics are associated with Glucose through simple and multivariable linear regression, and determine if there are significant differences in risk factors between persons with and without prevalent coronary heart disease (CHD). Included will be a discussion of the appropriateness of the data collection methods used in comparison to other methods that could have been used.

Data are to be concisely interpreted and the resulting summary paper cannot exceed 300 words in length for each question. The oral presentation may be conducted using audio, YouTube, Adobe Spark, PowerPoint, or another form of communication file. Video files are optional. The student will use the provided Case Study Analysis: Interpretation Grading Rubric to evaluate/grade the case study and report the findings in both written and oral formats.

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