Foundation Degree Healthcare Practice, Assistant Practitioner: Skills for Practice

Guidelines for writing your assessment.

Your assessment for this module is a written piece of work. You have a word allowance of 3000 words which includes references in the text but excludes the reference list. Your work should follow an essay format and have an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. Your work should include learning outcomes 1 2, 3 and 4.


Your introduction should give information on how you are approaching the assignment e.g., the order in which you are covering the learning outcomes. This tells the marker what to expect in your work. You can also make some comments about the learning outcome e.g., effective communication skills are essential in healthcare as they enable staff to accurately assess the health and wellbeing of the patient by asking questions and listening to replies.

Main body

In this section you are going to write about the learning outcomes in more detail. You must make sure that you address the procedure word for the learning outcome you are writing about e.g., discuss, explain, analyse. You can find a list of procedural words plus their description in the assessment tab. You should be using evidence to inform what you are writing, and your work must be referenced.


This draws your work together and states what you have said in the main body of the essay. You should not be bringing added information into your work at this point.

Word allowance

Your word allowance for this essay is 3000. Remember to set words aside to write your introduction and conclusion. These should be about 300 words for each maximum. That leaves you 2400 words to write the 4 learning outcomes. The learning outcomes are of equal weighting. Remember you can go 10% over on words I.e., 300 words without being penalised. If your essay is more than 10% under the word limit you may well have missed valuable information, and this could lead to your essay being referred. The word count for your essay should be between 2700 to 3300 excluding the reference list. Please check the number of words once you have completed the essay but without the reference list. This should be indicated at the end of the essay.

Learning outcome 1

Communication is a big subject and so you need to make decisions on what you should include. You are asked to discuss how effective communication enables delivery of safe and appropriate care. Think about what you need to know to deliver appropriate care to an individual patient. What communication skills will you need to use to acquire this information. It will also be useful to consider the skills you need to when explaining the care, they will receive to the patient. The question asks for a discussion so if the communication skills are poor what could happen.

Learning outcome 2.

This learning outcome asks you to explain and justify the importance of assessments and observations and why they must be recorded accurately. You should explain why observations are done and what they can tell the healthcare staff about the health of the patient. Why is this important?

Learning outcome 3

Here you are looking at 3 aspects of care, nutrition, hydration, and hygiene needs. You need to discuss how these three aspects will help to improve the health and wellbeing of the individual. Think about what constitutes good nutritional and fluid intake.

Learning outcome 4

This learning outcome is very topical in the current time. You need to explain why infection control policies and procedures are so important for the health and safety of the patient and the staff. What will happen if they are not followed?

Citations and reference list

Remember to use references to support what you are saying. Cite it Right which can be found on the library web pages will help you write the citation in the text correctly and will also help with completing the reference list. If you have cited a reference in the text it should appear in the reference list. The reference list is written alphabetically by author.

Formative Template

Student Name

The space on the template will extend as you type.

Indicate the focus of your essay and the issues that you intend to discuss          
To begin with taking about how effective communication skills are essential in healthcare and now I am going to start by giving comments how to solve these issues.  

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