Forensics Final Exam

Your exam consists of 4 essay questions. Each essay response is to be a minimum of 3 to 4 fully developed paragraphs. Direct quotes are not to be used in test answers.

Answers are to be consistent with the college level writing. A minimum of two peer-reviewed, scholarly sources are required to support answers. The essays are to be written in APA format and include in-text citations to credit your sources.

Answers were to be consistent with the college level writing and supported by a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed, up-to-date, scholarly sources. The essays were to be written in 7th edition APA format and include in-text citations to credit your sources.

Question 1 

Explain the characteristics used to differentiate fibers. Are these individual or class characteristics? Provide and example of a criminal case where fibers were used to assist in a conviction.

Each essay response is to be a minimum of 450 words, excluding the reference listing.

Direct quotes are not to be used in test answers.

Question 2 

Describe in detail how and why NIBIN was developed as well has which government agency manages it. In what instances would it be used in a criminal investigation?

Each essay response is to be a minimum of 450 words excluding the reference listing.

Direct quotes are not to be used in test answers.

Question 3 

Discuss two forensic examinations (DNA analysis, ballistics, toxicology, or fingerprint analysis) used in the Michael Brown case. Be sure to address the forensic evidence that was examined and where it was located in the crime scene. What did each examination reveal to investigators?

Each essay response is to be a minimum of 450 words excluding the reference listing.

Direct quotes are not to be used in test answers.

Question 4

Explain how the use of DNA has advanced criminal justice investigations over the last few decades. Also discuss the limitations of DNA evidence.

Each essay response is to be a minimum of 450 words excluding the reference listing.

Direct quotes are not to be used in test answers.

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