Financial Strategies in Clinical Settings

  • As a health care provider, describe how income flows into the organisation of your choice (e.g. hospital, community or a Private company).
  • Evaluate the steps you would take when reviewing the skill mix in the clinical setting of your choice. Discuss how you might balance the financial implications of your actions?
  • You are required to develop a system which would enable you to audit your staffing expenditure on a monthly basis. Offer detailed discussion of your rationale underpinning your system.
  • You are required to give a detailed discussion how you would audit non-staff expenditure on a monthly basis in a clinical setting of your choice. What reasonable cost effective strategy would you implement in order to maintain best practice?
  • You are required to describe in detail essential information which would enable you to successfully manage your staff and non-staff budget. From your earlier information (Questions 1 – 4), what do you consider to be key issues in terms of successful management?

Marking Criteria Guidelines

  • When completing assignments please refer to the specific learning outcomes for the assignment and check your work against the marking grid as you will be assessed on this!!
  • Assignments to be word processed, it is up to individual the style of the characters, but 12 font should be used
  • Spacing is usually 1.5 lines. You should take into account legibility and presentation
  • Word limit to be adhered to with 10% lea way on either side, note of word count to be on front of assignment
  • This workbook should be submitted to Turnitin by the date and time given.
  • There will be a penalty for any work submitted after the given date and time

Marking Criteria – Referencing

  • A method of referencing to be used consistently
  • All sources to be acknowledged and when quoting, inverted commas must be used and page no. of reference (or web site) must be given
  • All references to be cited in reference list, only one list is necessary

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