Fast Fashion

Fast Fashion describes a business model of the textile trade in which the collection is constantly changing and the time from the latest designs of the fashion creators to mass production in the stores is greatly reduced. The constant change in the assortment and a shortened shelf life of the materials used should encourage customers to visit the sales areas frequently. Sales can be further increased by evaluating sales data and reacting quickly to it. Major Players in the fast fashion industry are H&M, Zara and Benetton. To deliver an efficient strategy each company chooses different mechanisms to meet the value for the customer.
Task: Compare and contrast the approaches taken by H&M, Benetton and Zara to managing their supply chains. Highlight the differences in the approaches focusing on the processes of design, manufacturing, sourcing, and distribution. Discuss limitations of the different approaches in terms of internationalization and market expansion. How could digitalization contribute to optimize their supply chain operations?
Hansen, S. (2012). How Zara Grew Into the World’s Largest Fashion Retailer. In The New York Times Magazine, retrieved from: retailer.html

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