Factors Affecting Dose in Radiographic Imaging

You are responsible for a lab write up on your section only and this should include a purpose, materials/method, results and conclusion section.  The questions listed in your section should be answered as well as the 2 common questions at the bottom of the chart.  (As the research references are worth 5 marks, I expect at least 3 references to be used with journal articles being weighted more than references to the text book.)

Each one will do a 5-minute presentation on their section of the lab for the class briefly describing their results, and detailing the results of their research.

ShieldingTo observe the effects of shielding on patient dose
 Position the pelvis and thorax phantom supine on the table.  Using proper collimation, positioning and technique for an AP pelvis, you will take 6 exposures with the dosimeter in the indicated following positions: Female gonads (no lead)  59.25mRFemale gonads (lead).      567.3 μrMale gonads (no lead)     4.835mRMale gonads (lead)           17.48 μrSternum (no lead)             126.7mRSternum (lead).                  475.8 μr Questions: Based on your results, is lead shielding effective in reducing exposure to sensitive body tissue? Is the reduction in exposure by a significant amount?Is lead shielding practical in all situations?Compare your results with findings in the literature.  Do all literature sources agree on the use of lead shielding?  


  1. What are the factors in radiography that affect patient dose?  List them in three categories: the ones we have the most control over, the ones we have some control over, and the ones we have no control over.
  2. What are your responsibilities as a radiographer in reducing patient dose?

Lab dates:

Assignment Rubric:

5 marks- Professional style (spelling and grammar, use of language, etc.)

5 marks- Data collection

5 marks- Data evaluation (how well you answer the questions, as well as your own conclusions)

5 marks- Research References (use of and quality of your resources utilized to answer questions)

5 marks- Presentation (clarity, voice, knowledge of topic, etc.)

You will lose 1 mark for every day your assignment is late.

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