Evaluation of a Case Study

When conceptualizing and writing the case study, the evaluation criteria and explanations given in the writing guidelines should be considered.
Identification: general problem description

Concepts: Correct application of methods and technical terms

Analysis: reasonable use of comparison factors and given data, correct execution of applied methods

Conclusion: comprehensible interpretation of the results and further conclusions

Formalities: Adherence to the guidelines of chapter 4.3

Accuracy: Correctness of spelling and punctuation

Language: Quality of the linguistic expression and adequacy of language style for scientific work

Students have the option to make use of any one of several opportunities to get support for their case study analysis with the course tutor. Taking advantage of these opportunities is the responsibility of the student and the use of these services is voluntary. It is possible to contact the tutor regarding formal and general questions about working on the case study. Please note: a review of outlines and aspects of the presentation is not intended here, since the student’s ability to work independently is part of the evaluation and counts as a part of the overall assessment. There are however general tips for developing the case study to help you getting started.

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