Evaluating Marketing Strategy

Analysis of “Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Shower”
Module 3 Learning Objective: 1. Evaluate how marketing strategy decisions combine to influence organizational performance (Contributes to Course Objectives 1 and 3).
Materials to read prior to completing assignment 1. Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Shower (case purchased from Harvard Business Publishing)

  1. Chapter 6 and 7 in the textbook (not every part of these chapters applies to this assignment but understanding some of the concepts in these chapters will help).
    Materials to watch or listen to prior to completing assignment 1. Lecture Video: Evaluating Marketing Strategy
    Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to improve your ability to evaluate how the fit between various elements of the marketing program (i.e., product, price, promotions, and distribution channels) and a target market influence organizational performance. In this assignment, you will identify and apply appropriate marketing strategy concepts to analyze a real-world case, leading to a well-reasoned recommendation of what the company should do. Your analysis and recommendation should be based upon specific data and information in the case, “Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Shower”.
    To get started:
  2. Purchase the “Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Shower” case.
  3. Read the case, “Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Shower”
  4. Read the specific questions you must answer (2nd & 3rd page of this document).
  5. Use critical thinking and your knowledge of marketing strategy to answer each of this assignment’s case analysis questions (below). These questions guide through analyzing the case, identifying the company’s problem, and providing a well-reasoned recommendation that is clearly supported by your analysis. As you answer the questions, be sure to utilize and reference specific information and data from the case in support of your analysis and ultimate recommendation.
    Originality of Work
    This is an “open book” assignment. You may quote sources as part of your answers, but please cite the source when you quote it. You may communicate with other members of class about the case and questions, but the work you submit should be your own (not a copy of someone else’s work).

This is a popular case used in many MBA classes. As with practically any case that would be assigned, no matter how recently it was published, other students have already posted their analysis online. Please abstain from searching for other people’s analysis online prior to submitting your work. Using other people’s work to complete your analysis and recommendations for this assignment is considered cheating and will likely reduce your own learning experience.
Grading Guidelines:
Grades will be assigned using the criteria set out in the Writing Assignment 3 Rubric (last page).
Submitting your Work:
Please submit your work by clicking on the “Writing Assignment 3” title in Module 3 on our class’s Blackboard site. Be sure to upload a document that is easily opened in Microsoft Word.

Case Analysis Questions: Answer each of the following sets of questions to guide your analysis, problem identification, and recommendation for this case.

  1. Segmentation Analysis: The UK shower market can generally be described as consisting of three end-consumer segments (1. the premium segment, 2. the standard segment, and 3. the value/DIY segment) and the developer segment. Describe each of these three end-consumer segments (not the developer segment). Use the following four factors to describe each end-consumer segment:
    • Factor 1: the key criteria they used to evaluate a shower purchase (e.g., performance, service, convenience, style, etc.),
    • Factor 2: their usual motivation for purchasing a shower (e.g., replace a broken shower, install a new shower, etc.),
    • Factor 3: the price point or price range that they would consider purchasing at, and
    • Factor 4: the channel(s) through which they most preferred to shop for a shower.
    Note: a table is not required for this answer, but at table like this one may help you organize your answer this question:
    End-Consumer Segment Factor 1:
    Key Evaluation Criteria Factor 2:
    Motivation for purchase Factor 3:
    Expected price range Factor 4: Preferred shopping channels
    Premium segment
    Standard segment
    Value/DIY segment
  2. Value Analysis: Describe the Quartz’s value proposition to (a) end consumers and (b) to plumbers.
    Guidance: Recall from previous chapters in your textbook, customer value is essentially the comparison of a bundle of benefits relative to the complete cost associated with acquisition.
    a. As you describe the value for consumers, be sure to include:
    i. Real numbers from the case (i.e., Compare total cost of buying/installing the Quartz to an alternative product for end consumers. Include purchase price and installation costs). and
    ii. A description of the performance advantages of the Quartz.
    b. As you describe the value for plumbers, be sure to include:
    i. Real, relevant numbers from the case to analyze the product’s economic value in terms of potential impact on total installation costs (example: Is there a time savings? If so, how many more showers can a plumber install, at least theoretically, with potential time saved?)
    ii. Details about other benefits for plumbers
  3. Channel Analysis: There are three main channels of distribution in the UK shower market (1. DIY Sheds, 2. Showrooms, and 3. Trade Shops). Describe each channel based upon the following factors:
    • Factor 1 – The type of service it offered its customers (examples: consultative services, basic order taking, or limited/no point-of-sale service)
    • Factor 2 – The relative influence plumbers had on consumer purchase decisions in each channel (examples: do plumbers influence what is purchased at that outlet, or do plumbers simply install what the end consumer buys).
    • Factor 3 – The type of inventory stores in this channel typically carries (examples: do they try to carry as many items as possible? do they focus on discounted, mass-market products? Do they try to focus on high-end products?

Questions 4-5 on next page

  1. Customer Behavior Analysis: What are the main reasons for the slow adoption rate of the Quartz product?
    Guidance: The case states, “very few units had sold in the first four months on the market” (p. 9).
    • Try to point out information from the case that helps explain why end-consumers’ are slow to adopt a product that seems to have so many benefits for consumers.
  2. Recommendation: What can the company do to better market the Quartz product?
    Guidance: Your recommendation should include these 2 elements.
    • Element 1: The key Marketing Strategy Decisions, specifically:
    i. The primary target market the company should pursue (premium segment, the standard segment, the value/DIY segment, or the developer segment)
    ii. The relative price-point or price range, and
    iii. The primary distribution channel.
    • Element 2: Specific reasons for each of your strategy recommendations (target market, price, distribution channel), specifically,
    ii. Analysis of information from the case that supports your recommendation, and
    iii. The strategic benefit(s) of each part (a, b, and c) of your answer.
    Formatting Guidelines.
    • Please provide all of your answers in Word or a program that easily be opened using Word.
    • Please include the respective number for each question prior to presenting your answer.
    • You may use bullet points, graphs, figures, tables, etc. to communicate your response. Please use a format that you to most effectively communicate your answer for each question.
    • There is no page limit or specified minimum. Of course, submitted work should clearly validate that the appropriate assigned material was read and is being applied correctly in each answer.
    • When you include information from the case, please cite the page number where the information is located. You may use any citation format you prefer to cite sources in your work.

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