Ethics in Films

This experiential learning task is meant to examine ethical issues are presented in the film, Extreme Measures. The film trailer can be found here. You may rent the entire film from any steaming service.

As you watch the film, examine the film’s two main characters, Dr. Guy Luthan and Dr. Lawrence Myrick, via the ethical theories of Utilitarianism and Kantian Ethics. Specifically, one character uses one theory to justify his actions and the other character uses the other theory to justify his actions.

Then, consider: (1) Which doctor uses utilitarianism and which doctor uses Kantian ethics, (2) How each doctor uses the theory to justify his actions, and (3) Specific examples of when the theory is used in the film. Finally, evaluate both doctors approaches and prescribe which theory ought to be used in cases such as this.

Experiential Learning #2 is worth 50 points based on the in the following areas:

• Quality (5 points)
o Is your video formatted to the guidelines? Is your video done purposefully (and not rushed)? Is your video 3 – 4 minutes long?
• Timeliness (5 points)
o Did you submit your experiential learning opportunity by the due date?
• Coherence (10 points)
o Does your video present arguments which follow logically?
• Relevance to Course (10 points)
o Is your video demonstrative of the course? Have you cited (quoted) at least two references to course books?
• Accuracy (10 points)
o Did you use material from the course appropriately?
• Comprehensiveness (10 points)
o Have you addressed all aspects of the experiential learning opportunity?

General Recording Guidelines

  1. Frame Yourself – Find a good place to take the video. Don’t cut the top of your head off or focus only on your mouth.
  2. Clean Background – Don’t have a distracting background. Try to find a blank wall to sit in front of to avoid distracting your audience.
  3. Reduce Outside Noises – Use a microphone. Built-in microphones work pretty well on laptops and other devices. When recording, make sure that you are in a quiet room with little echo.

Free Recording Resources

  1. Laptop – There are many recording programs that are available on laptops. Zoom is an easy tool to which you probably already have access. Use whatever you are comfortable with.
  2. Mobile device – While not entirely recommended, unless you have a method to get a steady recording, videos should follow the same basic guidelines as above. Be sure to make sure your video is horizontal to avoid Vertical Video Syndrome.

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