Ethics Case Study Oral Presentation

The goal of this assignment is for you and your group to analyze a clinical/nursing care situation, which involves ethical dilemmas for the nurse, and determine proper actions for the nurse based on the 2015 ANA Code of Ethics for Nursing.

Although we each have a personal code of ethics we live by, in our role as a nurse, we must respect the ethical code of our profession, so justifications for your actions must come directly from the code.  If your person ethics would guide you differently, explain the conflict and how you would or could resolve the situation.

Your group will

  • Summarize in your own words the situation and ethical issue
  • Explain the ethical dilemma
  • Solve the problem as a professional RN
  • Support your response with a specific ANA code
  • Present your case to the class in a professional power point presentation

**The main reference for this project will be your text:  Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses

** Make sure to use APA format for your summary

The POWER POINT will be presented prior to submission deadline, in class.

Grading Rubric for oral presentation

1.Information organized and placed in a logical sequence.                            (10 points)  
2. Demonstrated knowledge of ethical dilemma presented by:   
 2a. Summarized the situation.           (10 points) 
 2b. Explained the ethical dilemma.     (5 points).                                          
 2c. Solved the problem as a professional RN.                                                                                                                                                      (15 points).                                             
  3.Responses supported with specific ANA Codes (20 points) 
4. Visual aids professional, visually interesting & aided in understanding material.  (10 points)     
5.   Maintained eye contact of audience. (10 points)                          
6. Voice clear & audible (10 points) 
7. Encouraged class participation   (5 points)                                
8.All members participated equally in the preparation and presentation    (5 points 


Group 1 Dilemma # 1

Group 2 Dilemma # 2

Group 3 Dilemma # 3

Group 4 Dilemma # 4

Group 5 Dilemma #5

Dilema# 1

Undergraduate students have an assigned faculty member as a way to provide a sense of empowerment and support, as well as permitting them to express themselves in a safe environment, without fear, by which values of the profession can be transmitted.  Junior students are assigned to a mentor (senior faculty member and department chairperson), who has an outside business in which he asked for volunteers to work in his community health center that is funded by federal grants. They are expected to do well-child health assessments unsupervised and the students feel inadequate to do the task. The faculty person tells the students, “this is related clinical experience that is supervised.” Further investigation showed the grant proposal contains provisions in the budget for only registered nurses to conduct these assessments. Other faculty members refuse to discuss this with students.

Dilemma # 2

Melissa- a new graduate, on week 5 of her preceptorship, needs a new preceptor because of a family emergency.  New Preceptor (we will call her Mildred) an experienced nurse, is working with Melissa when she fails to recognize a patient’s confusion as a result of an adverse medication effect.  Mildred belittles Melissa at the nurse’s station, and during shift, report says some sarcastic comments about “the inability of university-educated nurses to recognize the basics” and “that new graduates are a danger to patients”.  Melissa now wants to resign.

Dilemma # 3

A senior nursing student who has a 3.8 GPA, is able to perform all nursing skills, has reasonable communication skills, and is proficient in nursing theory and practice. However, she does not really want to be a nurse, speaks badly about the profession, and has a bad attitude.  The faculty have tried to talk to her, but she will not leave nursing because of her family and time and money invested in her education.  The school affirms the ANA Code of Ethics.  Can the school not graduate her because of her attitude towards nursing?

Dilemma # 4

Sandy, a recent nurse practitioner graduate, is starting a new job for which she feels her schooling adequately trained her.  During orientation, the new NP is told that the office staff works as a team and sometimes they take care of patients for other providers.  Most of the time the team members feel as though they all do their part however there is one provider who is known to not care for their patients with up-to-date research and evidence based practice.  Sandy is not quite sure how to handle the situation when a colleague is disgruntled and venting their frustrations to her.

Dilemma # 5

Mr. William Boggs is a nurse manager for a busy surgical ICU.  His unit has been suffering from nurse burnout and rapid nurse turnover.  He is troubled because some days the unit is so short-staffed that the nurses do not get their lunch breaks and the patient ratios are unsafe.  William has voiced his concerns to hospital administration a few times already but has received little to no solution.  William decides to change the ratios himself awarding every nurse a CNA for lunch coverage instead of another nurse.  The second night of this new ratio a detrimental error occurred and a patient was harmed.  A nurse on the unit reports William to hospital administration for his unsafe practice.  The situation is investigated, and Bill is fired.

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