“FSU Human Subjects Committee approved on 5/08/2013. Void after 5/07/2014. HSC # 2013.10352
Florida State University Behavioral Consent Form
“Effects of Information Technology on Organizational Communication: A case study of a selected Health Organization”
You are invited to be in a research study of the effects of information technology on organizational communication doing a case study of a selected health organization. You were selected as a possible participant because you are an eligible member of staff of the selected healthcare organization under study and you also belong to the executive strata of decision makers whose opinions are required for the purpose of this study. We ask that you read this form and ask any questions you may have before agreeing to be in the study.
This study is being conducted by Toluwani C. Agboola, College of Communication (Integrated Marketing and Management Communication) at the Florida State University.
Background Information:
The purpose of this study is to gain a greater understanding about information technology and organizational communication. Simply put, the purpose is to examine if information technology enhances efficiency and productivity in health organizations. In other words, this research is intended to find out the role of the information technology specifically the communication software used in your organization and also to understand what influences the decision of the management to adopt certain information technology products and software.
If you agree to be in this study, we would ask you to do the following things:
- Give your responses to about 20 general questions in this interview.
- Explain your opinions on the use of information technology in your organization.
- Talk about your perception of quality and principles behind decision-making in organizations.
- Next, you will be explaining your perceptions on the use of communication technology in terms of effectiveness.
FSU Human Subjects Committee approved on 5/08/2013. Void after 5/07/2014. HSC # 2013.10352. - Your responses will be audio recorded with no real names mentioning/identification and this is anticipated to take about 30minutes of your time.
Risks and Benefits of being in the Study:
The study involves minimal risk i.e. the risks of harm anticipated in this research are not greater, considering probability and magnitude, than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.
You have the choice to either stop participating in the entire study or to opt out of answering a Question.
The benefits to your participation is that you can voice your opinions and assessments of healthcare communication technology and its attendant issues as it affects healthcare delivery in the society and the results of this study can be used to enlighten the larger society and especially other healthcare providers on the benefits of digitizing healthcare records and also the need to adopt technologies for communication purposes within their organization.
There is no form of compensation monetarily or otherwise for participation in this study. It is completely voluntary and not compensatory binding.
The records of this study will be kept private and confidential to the extent permitted by law. In any sort of report we might publish, we will not include any information that will make it possible to identify a subject. Research records will be stored securely and only researchers will have access to the records. Only the researcher will have access to the audio taped responses and will be used strictly for the educational purposes of this research and will be destroyed after the interviews have been transcribed. Once the interviews have been transcribed, the data will be kept password protected with the researcher and will be destroyed within five years of the study. All information provided will be kept confidential in lock and key. Data will be locked and will be stored securely and will be available only to the researcher. Consent forms will be stored and locked separately from the audio recordings so that there is no identification possible.
FSU Human Subjects Committee approved on 5/08/2013. Void after 5/07/2014. HSC # 2013.10352.
Voluntary Nature of the Study:
Participation in this study is voluntary. Your decision whether or not to participate will not affect your current or future relations with the University or your organization [Apremium Healthcare Solutions]. If you decide to participate, you are free to not answer any question or withdraw at any time without affecting those relationships.
Contacts and Questions:
The researcher conducting this study is Toluwani C. Agboola supervised by Dr Ulla Bunz. You may ask any question you have now. If you have a question later, you are encouraged to contact
the researcher, Toluwani C. Agboola, at College of Communication, Florida State University or Dr. Bunz at (850) 644-1809 or ubunz@fsu.edu.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this study and would like to talk to someone other than the researcher(s), you are encouraged to contact the FSU IRB at 2010 Levy Street, Research Building B, Suite 276, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2742, or 850-644-8633, or by email at humansubjects@magnet.fsu.edu.
You will be given a copy of this information to keep for your records. Statement of Consent:
I have read the above information. I have asked questions and have received answers. I consent to participate in the study.
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