
Assessment Information – What you need to do

The assignment requires you to analyse a firm’s online presence (see list of firms below) and Emarketing activities focusing on:
• Web experience
• Social Media Networking

The assignment is designed to mirror a real-life situation. The critique and analysis should be carried from a marketing perspective. You are required to apply theory into practice; make use of any models and frameworks examined in the module or through your own reading. However, you should not rewrite theories, describe models or quote extensively. The analysis needs to be coherent, with clear, logical explanation and reasoned commentary. High marks will be awarded for analysis, application of theory, commentary, evidence of reading and understanding of Emarketing theory.

The assignment does not seek for a predetermined set of answers, but rather expect students to critically evaluate the online presence of one of the six firms (see list below) from an Emarketing perspective. There is scope for investigation and your report can focus on a range of elements to address the assignment components.

The analysis of one of the website options below and analyse their online presence is based on their current website. You are thereforerequired to take snapshots of their web pages immediately as the website may change in the near future. (To take snapshots, press PRTSC, then paste into a word document).

Websites Options
For the purpose of the module assessment (for Assessment 1 and Assessment 2), you are asked to select ONE firm from the options below.
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
The Vintage Scene Leicester Running Shop Planet Tiles & Baths
https://www.leicesterrunn ingshop.co.uk/ https://planettilesandbaths.c o.uk/


Online vintage clothing store stocking both mens and womens vintage clothing and accessories from the 80’s, 90’s and 00’s.
Leicester Running Shop founded in 2007 is a specialist running shop which stocks a wide range of sports products and caters for beginners all the way up to elite Club athletes. Welcome to Planet Tiles & Baths, one of the largest Tile & Bathroom Stores in Leicester.

As preferred suppliers for trade and retail, we pride ourselves on our service and our fantastic
competitive prices.
Option 4 Option 5 Option 6
Northside Bikes https://www.northsidebikes.o rg/
Hoys Electrical
www.Hoyselectrical.co.u k Cornwall Model Boats
www.cornwallmodelboat s.co.uk

Northside Bikes was started in  Hoys electrical is a    Cornwall Model Boats is a
October 2014 to meet the    discount and pre-owned  small business operating in
need of affordable, sustainable retailer of appliances and  a niche market targeting
and ethical bike repairs for    furniture. They are based in    and serving model boat
students of Leicester and   the Midlands and have   enthusiasts. It is a leading
those living North of the city  been established since  model boat supplier in the
centre where there are little or    2014    UK stocking over 3000
no cycle services.      model boats and ship kits.

You should not contact any of the stores/brands listed above or any of its agents. Report Structure
 The word count for the report is maximum 1,200 words excluding references and appendices.
 Each report should be in 12-point Times Roman or Arial, 1.5 line spacing.
Clearly expressed points in English, careful punctuation and appropriate use of paragraphs will be appreciated, and will help improve your work.
 The assignment should be submitted in report format with content page, appropriate headings, referencing. Please state word count on cover page.

While you are free to format and structure your report accordingly, it is expected to include:

o Title Page;
o Content List;
o Introduction;
o Main Body:
 Web experience
 Social Media Networking
o Summary/concluding remarks;
o References and Appendices.
The format of the report will be discussed further in class

Criteria for Assessment – How you will be marked

Criteria    Poor    Bare Pass   Good    Very Good   Excellent   
Introduction (50-100 words)

A precise, brief introductory paragraph(s) stating the purpose, focus or context of the report; this should inform the reader what follows. Straight to the point.
Analysis and critique of their website and current E-Marketing (1000-1100 words)
The report should offer a critical evaluation of the firm’s emarketing activities and demonstrate sufficient depth and breadth in analysis and own commentary, application of well recognised emarketing frameworks. It should have relevance and points should be reasoned, discussed. The approach should be from an emarketing perspective.
 Web experience
To what extent has the report examined a range of elements impacting customers’ web experience? Are relevant frameworks applied well? Is the analysis solid, focused? Are examples of relevance?
 Social Media Networking
Has the report evaluated reasonably well the firm’s social media networking initiatives? Has the report achieved to demonstrate how and for what marketing aims the firm uses social media networking? Is the approach analytical?
Conclusion (50-100 words)
Does the conclusion offer a concise summary of concluding remarks emerging from the critique and analysis? Does it suggest which elements require immediate attention to enhance the firm’s online position?
Overall understanding and application of theory

To what extent has the report addressed the assignment brief and demonstrated understanding and application of relevant emarketing theory?                      

Evidence of background reading and appropriate use of references within text and reference list.

Note: Proposed word count for each section is indicative. However, total word count should not exceed 1,200 words excluding references and appendices.

Overall Feedback Comments:

Further information on University mark descriptors can be found here. This assignment is designed to assess the following learning outcomes:
 Develop understanding of E-marketing theoretical developments, concepts and frameworks
through real life examples and application.
 Develop awareness of a range of tools and techniques of emerged technologies; and how these impact the elements of the marketing mix.
 Be able to review, assess and develop effective digital marketing plans and strategies; and advise organisations on their digital marketing strategy.
 Gain understanding and knowledge of complex digital marketing issues and be in a position to effectively communicate these to various audiences.
 To understand social media networks and their impact on marketing; and be able to take advantage of the potential of social media networks.

• Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work.
• Please ensure that you have submitted your work using the correct file format, unreadable files will receive a mark of zero. The Faculty accepts Microsoft Office and PDF documents, unless otherwise advised by the module leader.
• All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason will be subject to the University regulations on late submissions.
o If an assessment is submitted up to 14 days late the mark for the work will be capped at the pass mark of 40 per cent for undergraduate modules or 50 per cent for postgraduate modules
o If an assessment is submitted beyond 14 calendar days late the work will receive a mark of zero per cent
o The above applies to a student’s first attempt at the assessment. If work submitted as a reassessment of a previously failed assessment task is submitted later than the deadline the work will immediately be given a mark of zero per cent
o If an assessment which is marked as pass/fail rather than given a percentage mark is submitted later than the deadline, the work will immediately be marked as a fail
• The University wants you to do your best. However, we know that sometimes events happen which mean that you can’t submit your coursework by the deadline – these events should be beyond your control and not easy to predict. If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the re-sit period following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply before the deadline. You will find information about applying for extensions and deferrals here.
• Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment.
• Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites.

Academic Support and Your Well-being

Referencing is the process of acknowledging other people’s work when you have used it in your assignment or research. It allows the reader to locate your source material as quickly and easily as possible so that they can read these sources themselves and verify the validity of your arguments. Referencing provides the link between what you write and the evidence on which it is based.
You identify the sources that you have used by citing them in the text of your assignment (called citations or in-text citations) and referencing them at the end of your assignment (called
the reference list or end-text citations). The reference list only includes the sources cited in your text. The main referencing guide can be found here and includes information on the basics of referencing and achieving good academic practice. It also has tabs for the specific referencing styles depending on whether you require Harvard style used in business or OSCOLA style used by the Law school.
The University has a wealth of support services available to students; further information can be obtained from Student Gateway, the Student Advice Centre, Library and Learning Services and, most importantly, your Personal Tutor. If you are struggling with your assessments and/or deadlines please do seek help as soon as possible so that appropriate support and guidance can be identified and put in place for you. More information can be found on the Healthy DMU pages.

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