The student’s OLHS 115 Capstone project will invite the student to write a summary reflective paper on their learning around diversity and inclusion in organizations.
This paper must be divided into three primary sections:
• Personal reflections
• Professional reflections
• Feedback reflections
The overall purpose of this capstone project is twofold:
• Help the student define and explain how their own personal understanding and experience of diversity has been impacted by this course. More specifically, students are to describe how they have been personally impacted by the readings, discussions, and field research projects in the course.
• Help the student define and explain how they will apply the learning and insights in their professional contexts. More specifically how they will operationalize, integrate and apply what they have learned in their current organization.
Structure of the paper:
Part 1: Personal Reflections Section:
a. Where did the student begin the course regarding their personal understanding of diversity and inclusion?
b. Which readings were the most significant in the student’s personal growth and understanding?
c. It what ways did the student gain a deeper understanding of the transformational and teleological importance of conversations around diversity and inclusion?
d. Total length: 2 to 3 pages Part 2: Professional Reflections Section:
e. Where did the student begin the course regarding their professional understanding of diversity and inclusion?
f. Which readings were the most significant in the student’s professional growth and understanding?
g. How will the student operationalize and integrate their professional insights into their teams, departments, or larger organization?
h. What is at stake regarding an organization’s successful and unsuccessful efforts to strengthen and advance diversity and inclusion?
i. Total length: 2 to 3 pages
Part 3: Feedback Section (to be placed in Appendix only not in body of paper):
a. The student will provide a copy of the paper to a colleague or leader/manager to review and to secure feedback, insights, and comments. Students should include the feedback from this conversation into their paper in the form of an Appendix.
b. Total length in Appendix: 1 page Writing and Formatting:
Capstone Projects should have a cover page, references page, and an appendix section. Parts 1 must include no fewer than 3 to 4 sources that will be integrated into the narrative section. Part 2 must include no fewer than 3 to 4 sources that will be integrated into the narrative section. The student must clearly state how/why each article referenced in their paper provided valuable insights and perspectives.
The paper should be no less than 5-pages of written narrative. All papers must adhere to the APA writing guidelines found in the syllabus and clarified through the APA writing style at:
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