Diet Analysis Final Essay

One of our course level outcomes is to be able to “Synthesize diet analysis results, draw valid conclusions, and suggest modifications in a scientific essay.” You will be asked to synthesize all your diet analysis results, draw valid conclusions, and suggest appropriate modifications for your personal diet in this essay.

Write a 4 to 6-page final essay (typed double spaced) summarizing the results of your diet analysis and changes you could make to eat a healthier diet. You have analyzed and interpreted your diet analysis data throughout the semester. Now, apply the concepts you have learned in class to synthesize all your diet analysis results, draw valid conclusions, and suggest modifications that are applicable and consistent for your personal diet.

Follow this format:

  1. Always remember an Introduction: “Tell the reader what you are going to say . . .”
  2. Address your Strengths – look over your entire diet analysis and note the areas in which you met recommended intake levels. Support each strength with numerical data from your diet analysis report. Discuss these conceptually, attempting to tie together results from Carb/Lipid/and Protein units with the Choose My Plate/Vitamin/Mineral and Kilocalorie units.
  3. Discuss your Weaknesses. Where did you not meet specific recommendations? Support each weakness with numerical data from your diet analysis report. Again, try to tie together units (i.e. if all macronutrients were low, then perhaps you didn’t eat enough kilocalories). You should be able to make connections between deficient micronutrients and appropriate macronutrient groups.
  4. Finally, discuss suggested Changes and Modifications to your eating habits to better meet your nutritional needs. If you suggest changes in Choose my Plate servings, macronutrients and kilocalories, how will this impact your vitamin/mineral intake, etc.
  5. Please use the subheadings (listed above in 1-4) in your paper, following the same order.

The essay will be graded out of a total of 60 points. Please see the rubric posted in the drop box on D2L that will be used to grade your essay.


This essay will be turned in at the end of the semester, as announced. Do not try to do this at the beginning of the year. You need to complete the nutrition course and information in each individual assignment before you complete this essay.

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