Data in Communications Project Instructions


You work in the communications department at Pasta Amore, an Italian restaurant chain with the following mission: “To provide a warm atmosphere for your family where we can share the traditional cuisines of Italy. Our food will always be fun, fresh, and filled with love.” Pasta Amore has the capacity to open another restaurant and has put you in charge of conducting research on its new location. Your manager has asked you to provide a research analysis and a communication plan outline, with an emphasis on social media, using both qualitative and quantitative information to support your communication recommendations. The outline will focus on how to advertise the restaurant opening while taking into account the target audience demographic and the survey results that your manager has provided. It is important to understand the vision and corporate philosophy of Pasta Amore while working on any communications project. Review the company vision in the image. 


As you create your research-based communication project proposal, your manager has asked that you include specific elements. You must include the following:

  • Research Analysis: It is critical that you gather and use research in order to make decisions about a communications project. In your research analysis, include the following:
    • Demographic Data Analysis: You may choose any location for the new Pasta Amore restaurant. There are a number of tools available to obtain demographic data. Two possible options include the U.S. Census Data and the U.S. Census Bureau International Data Base. You may be interested in choosing somewhere you live or have lived, but you are welcome to select any location. Once chosen, you will need to analyze the information as follows:
      • Age: Briefly summarize the information you have found about the average age in your chosen location. Explain why age is important to consider when communicating to an audience.
      • Education: Briefly summarize the information you have found about the education in your chosen location. Explain why education is important to consider when communicating to an audience.
      • Income: Briefly summarize the information you have found about the average income in your chosen location. Explain why income is important to consider when communicating to an audience.
      • Additional Information: What additional demographic information would you need to find out in order to improve your communication plan?
    • Audience Engagement Data Analysis: Your manager has provided you with an audience engagement survey data and results. This data includes both qualitative and quantitative information about how current Pasta Amore customers engage with the restaurant, as well as their communication preferences. In your analysis of the survey, answer the following questions:
      • Why is audience engagement data important?
      • How can you use this current audience engagement data to help you create an effective communication plan for the target audience at your chosen location? Cite specific examples from the survey in your discussion.
      • What additional information might you want to see in the survey results to help support your plan?
    • Communication Plan Proposal: Now that you have gathered and analyzed the necessary qualitative and quantitative data for this communication project, you will create a brief proposal for a communication plan. You do not have to create actual messages at this point. Instead, your manager is more interested in learning about how you might approach the communication. Include the following:
      • Campaign: Briefly outline a possible communication campaign for Pasta Amore’s opening. Include the following:
        • Which social media channels will be used, and why? Cite information from your demographic and audience engagement analyses.
        • Will you also include any traditional (non-digital) media in your campaign? If so, what? Cite information from your demographic and audience engagement analyses.
        • What is the tone that will be used on each communication channel, and why? Cite information from your demographic and audience engagement analyses.
      • Goals: Summarize the desired outcome for this communication project. For example, you may want to answer questions such as the following: What percent of the population would you like to reach? What percent of those who you reach would you like to see engage with your communication? What percent of those who engage with your communication would you like to see attend the grand opening? And so on.

What to Submit

  1. Research Analysis
    You will conduct an analysis of quantitative and qualitative data to support your communication plan. Be sure to include a section on demographic data analysis as well as an analysis of audience engagement in your research analysis. It should be at least 1,000 words in length.
  2. Communication Plan Proposal
    Your communication plan proposal will briefly outline a social media campaign for Pasta Amore’s new restaurant opening, including a focus on social media channels and tone. It should be at least 750 words in length.


Your manager has provided you with this audience engagement survey data and results. This data includes both qualitative and quantitative information about how current Pasta Amore customers engage with the restaurant, as well as their communication preferences.

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