Cultural Groups

Assignment Prompt

Your paper should highlight each of the below:

  • Overview of the culture (history, geography, language, religious beliefs)
  • Educational status and occupations
  • Family roles and organization-head of household and gender roles, and prescriptive, restrictive and taboo behaviors for children and adolescents
  • Family goals and priorities
  • Nutrition-common foods, any rituals, any special meaning that food has, dietary practices for health promotion, nutritional deficiencies
  • Birth and Death rituals
  • Spirituality
  • Health care practices, beliefs and behaviors, and folk and traditional practices, barriers to health, blood transfusions and organ donation, Health care providers
  • Disease and health conditions – any variation in drug metabolism, high risk behaviors
  • Summary of culture that includes how as a nurse you would approach the culture if caring for a patient from the culture.


Title Page: 1

Length: 4 pages

Reference Page: 1

Number of references: 8 reference (5 years or less)

Format: Formal APA 7th ed. formatting

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