Assignment 1
Complete the following assignment and submit your work to the Culminating Venture plan.
You will computer generate your venture plan for your chosen school/community venture. A venture plan checklist outlining required components has been made available to you to help complete this culminating activity. Remember, you can add to the information requested for the plan.
Also, you may wish to refer back to the example in unit three activity six of a “health food” fast food restaurant.
The Venture Plan – Summative Project
A venture plan is a written document that explains all the aspects of the business. It is used by the entrepreneur for planning purposes and by the investors to see if the business will make a profit, and has the entrepreneur establish goals and a vision for the venture.
Use Times New Roman or Arial as your font at size 12 for your basic text
For your Venture plan include the following sections:
Title Page:
§ Company Name, Logo, your name, course code (Free logo design software)
Table of Contents:
§ including all major headings with their page number
§ use auto page numbering in the plan
The Executive Summary should be no more than one page in length, designed to capture the reader’s interest, and listing the main features of your plan:
§ State your Mission Statement (How to write a mission statement)
§ Provide a brief description of your product or service and its benefits (2-4: Identifying Venture Opportunities)
§ Main needs and wants satisfied by the product (2-4: Identifying Venture Opportunities)
§ Form of business you will use (i.e. sole-proprietor and reasons for the choice) (4-2: Forms of Ownership)
§ The members of the venture team (owners of the company)
§ The name and location of the business
§ Economic or social trends that support your venture (2-6: Survey Creation and Analysis – The results of your survey could help you in this section)
§ Social Contribution – describe in what form(s) or capacity your venture will contribute to the well-being or common good of the community at large. (2-4: Identifying Venture Opportunities)
The Resource Analysis (Include costs in financial section)
§ Capital goods and material resources required (i.e. Equipment, supplies etc) (4-1: Resource Needs for a Venture)
§ Legal requirements (business, vendor licenses, copyrights, government regulations for your industry) (4-1: Resource Needs for a Venture)
§ Human resources (number of employees and their job descriptions, business consultants you will need) (4-1: Resource Needs for a Venture)
§ Standard Insurance requirements for operating your venture (4-1: Resource Needs for a Venture)
The Operating Strategy (Include all costs in the financial section)
§ Detailed description of the production process or service delivery (4-3: Designing a Production Plan)
§ Source raw materials/products, names of suppliers, method of delivery of materials to company (4-3 Production Plan)
§ Inventory control method (4-4: The Marketing Plan – Channels of Distribution)
§ Layout design of retail store or point of sale vehicle. (i.e. chip stand) (4-3: Designing a Production Plan – Free Sample Business Layouts)
The Marketing Plan (Include all costs in the finance section)
§ Types of Market research conducted and results (2-6: Survey Creation and Analysis)
§ Description of your Target market – (include demographics, socioeconomic and psychographics, reasons and any trends that benefit your venture plan) (2-5: Market Research)
§ Justification of company name and location
§ Method or methods of delivery (distribution) of product or service to your customers and reasons for your choice. (4-4: The Marketing Plan – Channels of Distribution)
§ Promotion method(s) to be used and why it/they will work for your company (Include 1 example of a promotion method(s) you will be using) (4-5:The Marketing Plan – Advertising and Pricing)
§ Pricing method(s) you will use to arrive at your retail price (4-5:The Marketing Plan – Advertising and Pricing)
§ Who is your direct and indirect competition? (2-5: Market Research)
§ SWOT analysis of your direct competition (2-5: Market Research)
The Financial Plan
§ What are your financial goals and objectives for the first year of operations? (4-6: Capital Requirements and Financial Goals)
§ Sources of start-up capital to finance your venture (4-6: Capital Requirements and Financial Goals)
§ Prepare a cash flow statement (for the first six months of your venture, showing each of the months) (4-7: Financial Statements)
§ Prepare a Projected Income Statement (for the cumulative first six months of your venture) (4-7: Financial Statements)
§ Prepare a Balance Sheet for the start of your venture. (First month) (4-7: Financial Statements)
§ Show Calculations for Breakeven (use a chart) Profit Margin, market share, and return on investment for your venture (4-6: Capital Requirements and Financial Goals)
View the rubric for this assignment.
View the long description of the rubric for this assignment.
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