To complete the CRAAP text analysis, please follow these steps:
1- Read the article in its entirety (twice). Highlight any strong statements or arguments within the text. Look up any expressions you don’t know. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the author’s position (their opinion on the topic) and how they built the article through arguments and counterarguments.
2- Write a summary of 200 words or less for each of the five CRAAP criteria. As a reminder,
consider this:
a. Currency: Summarize what led to the writing of this article (BEFORE publication) AND what has happened since its publication (AFTER publication).
b. Relevance: Summarize the audience for The Economist AND the audience for this article.
In other words, who reads this trade journal and who would read this article specifically?
Also, make comments on the text and visuals as linked to the specific audience.
c. Authority: Summarize how you gauge the credibility of this source (or any other source).
How do you gauge the credibility of an author (authors)? Simply, how do you know that a source or an author is credible?
d. Accuracy: Summarize how the authors supported/justified their statements. Where did they get their information? Who did they quote? What studies did they cite?
e. Purpose: Summarize the overall purpose of this article and the counterarguments it provides. What was the author trying to do when writing this article? Also, what information or points of view are missing from this article? Whose opinion was missing from this article?
What ‘evidence’ was not included?
3- Write a 100-150 word summary of the text with the correct APA referencing.
4- Once this is complete, please reread and edit. Check your APA referencing
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