Answer each question at a minimum of 50 words.
Chapter 1 Do you anticipate any changes in your lifestyle in the next five years? What will cause these changes? What new products or brands will you consume because of these changes?
Chapter 2 In your opinion and from your experience, do you agree that non-verbal communication systems (i.e., time, space, symbols, relationships, agreements, things, and etiquette) vary across cultures? Can you think of specific examples?
Chapter 3 Can you think of any company that engages in cause-related marketing? Can you describe what that company does?
Chapter 4 In your opinion, do high-end coffee shops, such as Starbuck’s Coffee or Peet’s Coffee & Tea, target different consumer groups based on their demographics? If yes, how?
Chapter 5 In your opinion, how should product managers of McDonald’s approach the following ethnic subcultures? (i.e., the African American subculture, the Hispanic subculture, the Asian American subculture, the Asian-Indian American subculture, the Native American subculture, and the Arab American subculture)
Chapter 6 In the textbook, the authors discuss that there are ethical concerns when marketing to children. For instance, Kellogg’s targets children and promotes Apple Jacks on TV and through the interactive website:
Do you believe that the company is successful in creating brand loyalty among children by targeting them at their early ages? Is this ethical?
Chapter 7 Online social network sites take many forms, including friendship, media sharing, events, and corporate. Do you belong to an online community or social networking site? If so, what are the benefits that you derive from this group? If not, why have you decided not to belong to such a group?
Chapter 8 In the textbook, the authors talk about consumers’ tendencies to avoid advertisement (called “ad avoidance”). Do you observe this tendency in your own, your family’s, and your friends’ behavior? In your opinion, how can marketers overcome such behavior?
Chapter 9 I would like you to pick one brand from the following list and discuss what image you have about this brand.
Are you a user of the brand you picked?
1.) BlackBerry Smart Phone
2.) Apple iPhone
3.) Coca Cola Zero
4.) Nike
5.) Toyota Prius Hybrid
6.) Zara
7.) Hershey’s Chocolate
8.) Betty Crocker
9.) Adidas
10.) Tommy Bahama
11.) Calvin Klein
12.) Trader Joe’s
Chapter 10 Chapter 10 discusses the difference between manifest and latent motives. Describe manifest and latent motives that might arise in purchasing a Mercedes Benz convertible.
Chapter 11 Describe whether is it ethical to use fear appeals to increase demand for emergency response devices among elderly consumers.
Chapter 12 Chapter 12 talks about two types of self-concepts based on culture: independent versus interdependent self-concept.
The independent self-concept emphasizes personal goals, characteristics, achievements, and desires while the interdependent self-concept emphasize family, cultural, professional, and social relationships. What is your self-concept? Is your self-concept predominantly independent or interdependent? Why?
Chapter 13 Explain the elements of the services cape of your favorite store (e.g., restaurant, bank, retailer), such as music, colors, décor, lighting, aroma/scent, layout, and presentation of merchandise. What makes the store pleasing and attractive to you?
Chapter 14 Describe one purchase you made using nominal decision making, one using limited decision making, and one using extended decision making. What caused you to use each type of decision process?
Chapter 15 Marketers often incorporate evaluate criteria that are important for consumers in their advertisements. What evaluative criteria would you consider when buying a new automobile? Can you identify such evaluative criteria through an internal or external search process?
Chapter 16 Chapter 16 talks about three types of consumer choice processes/approaches (1. affective choice, 2. attitude-based choice, and 3. attribute-based choice). Please select your favorite product (e.g., see your consumer journal entries) and think about what consumer choice process you use for that product.
Chapter 17
Please pick one of the following businesses listed below and discuss what type of store atmosphere (for offline) or website design (for online) is appropriate, in your opinion? Why?
1.) Social networking site that targets college students (online)
2.) Thai food restaurant (offline)
3.) Online store of athletic shoes (online)
4.) Inexpensive furniture store (offline)
Chapter 18 Have you ever experienced some kind of dissatisfaction or regrets (namely post-purchase dissonance) after a purchase? What type of product was it? What action did you take?
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