Computer Networking

Please read critically one Computer Networking paper published by SONG Lab ( and submit an undergraduate research project (URP) or graduate research project (GRP) proposal.
Your research proposal document should be
• 1,000-1,500 words
The proposal must include the following 6 sections:
• Statement of problem
• Background and relevance to previous work
• General methodology and procedure to be followed
• Explanation of new and unusual techniques
• Expected results and their significance and application
• Literature citations where appropriate

The research problems of interest include but not limited to:
• 5G and beyond networks
• Age of Information
• Big data and machine learning for networks
• Cellular networks
• Cloud computing/mobile cloud computing
• Challenged Environments (underwater, underground)
• Connected unmanned aerial/terrestrial/underwater systems
• Cross-layer optimization and control
• Crowdsourcing
• Cyber-physical systems
• Datacenter networking
• Dynamic spectrum sharing
• Energy efficiency in networks
• Edge and fog computing/networking
• Fault tolerance, reliability and survivability
• Information security and privacy
• Information-centric networking
• Interference management and mitigation
• Internet architecture
• Internet of Things
• Localization and location-based services
• Medium access control
• MIMO-based networking
• mmWave, THz, VLC, full duplex communication networks
• Mobile sensing and applications
• Mobility management and models
• Multimedia networking
• Network economics and pricing
• Network management
• Network measurement and analysis
• Network security and privacy
• Network virtualization
• Optical networks
• Overlay and peer-to-peer networks
• Quality-of-service and resource management
• Quantum networking
• Router and switch design
• Routing and multicast
• Scaling laws and fundamental limits
• Smart grid applications
• Social computing and networks
• Software-defined networking
• Studies on testbeds and large-scale experimental platforms
• Vehicular networks
• Web applications and content distribution

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