Complex Health Disorders


This assignment is worth 30 points.
For this assignment you will create a “bi-fold brochure”. A document such as this is used to share information on a topic. It is meant to be visual and to tell some, but not a whole lot, of information about a particular subject.
FORMAT: You will use either WORD or PUBLISHER for this assignment, selecting one of the bi-fold brochures that are available as a TEMPLATE when you create a new document. A template will have the general format set up for you so that you mostly have to choose pictures and text.
TOPIC: Use the topic that you had for your oral presentation.
CONTENT: Your brochure will have 4 sections:
 Front page
o Class # and Title
o Topic
o Your name
 Content – inner pages
o Facts, statistics
o Personal stories from survivors
o New inventions regarding treatments
o Prevention, S/S, etc.
 Back page
o Links to where information can be found. Basically, this is your reference page.
Additionally, your brochure must have PICTURES!
 Most (3 or more), but not all sections should have pictures that illustrate what you are saying in the brochure.
 Pictures must have some sort of formatting such as borders, bevels, or other that make the pictures stand out.
 Use COLOR!
 Make the brochure look interesting, but do not clutter with too much text. Short and sweet.
 Pictures need to be sized appropriately and be clear (not distorted).
 Saving pictures to your computer or to a folder might be a good idea.
 Saving your work frequently is a MUST.
o If you want to try a few different ideas, save your brochure with each major change, but add a version number so that you can go back to an earlier idea if something you do doesn’t work out.
o Example:
 Pneumonia v1
 Pneumonia v2
 Pneumonia v3
o This way, you do not have to redo things if you had a better idea the first time!
 You cannot just cut and paste information from websites. That is plagiarism (using someone else’s work as your own) and this is a big no-no. Instead, summarize and write in your own words. Plagiarism will result in your work being rejected and earning a “0” for the assignment.
 You must also provide a list of where you found your information. This should all go on one page.

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