Write a research paper regarding a country you selected. There are two parts to the paper. In Part I, you will research your chose country based on a list of provided questions. In Part II, you will answer research questions provide your evaluations in a narrative form. Detailed instructions for completing the assignment are available in the Assignment Expectations topic located in the “Start Here” module of the course.
Be sure to use the most current edition of APA for in-text citations and a reference list. The document should be submitted in MS Word, double-spaced, with consistent 1-inch margins on each page and font consistent with current APA guidelines. It is due to this Dropbox
You will write a research paper regarding a country you selected. There are two parts in the paper. In Part I, you will research your chosen country based on a list of provided questions. In Part II, you will answer research questions and provide your answers in a narrative form. The research paper is comprised of two parts, as described below. Complete instructions provided in the Research Paper Instructions.
Country Selection – Spain
You will claim your country by writing it in the “Country Selection” discussion topic located in the open forum. You are required to review your classmates’ country selections and make sure to select a country not already selected by a classmate to research.
Note: You cannot choose the United States as your country to research because you will be asked to compare your selected country to the United States.
Part I: Country Characteristics
Research your topic using sources such as journal articles, government data, online newspapers/magazines, company fillings and press releases, etc. Address a list of questions provided in the Content area of the course using information you gathered from research. All answers should be in complete sentences and provide the appropriate amount of context (i.e. no single word answers). You must include a citation in the most current edition of APA format for each response, including the direct URL, if applicable, after each answer. Be sure to include the date of your information and provide the most current data available.
Part II: Country Evaluation
Answer five research questions about your country of choice (provided in the Content area of the course). For each question, you must write a minimum of two paragraphs with each consisting of a minimum of 115 words equaling a total of 230 words per question.
Part II of the paper should be written with headings in narrative form and incorporate an in-depth critical analysis of your country’s information. It should include:
• Proper use of thesis statements, paragraph and sentence structure
• Citations to two outside sources
• Proper utilization of grammar, including punctuation, spelling, subject, and verb usage
• Error-free writing
MGMT 338: Research Paper Instructions
Please include the following in either the upper left- or right-hand corner of the first page of your paper:
• Your full name
• MGMT 338
• Date of the Paper
• Paper Title
Part I: Information about Spain
Research and provide the following information about your chosen country in bulleted form. Include the country you selected in the heading. For each piece of information, cite the sources used as well as the complete direct URL where the information was found. A complete bibliography of the sources must be included at the end of your paper. All answers must be in the form of a complete sentence (i.e. no single word answers).
a. What was the total value of U.S. imports from this country in the most recent year available? Of U.S. exports to this country?
Information citation with URL
b. Top 3 imports for this country
Information citation with URL
c. Top 3 exports for this country
Information citation with URL
d. Corporate tax rate
Information citation with URL
e. GDP
Information citation with URL
f. Per capita income?
Information citation with URL
g. Low context or high context
Information citation with URL
h. Average years of schooling of adults (male and female)
Information citation with URL
i. % of population below poverty line
Information citation with URL
j. Rate of population growth
Information citation with URL
k. Life expectancy (male and female)
Information citation with URL
l. Retirement Age (required or not and age when required or average age of retirement—specify which it is in the paper)
Information citation with URL
m. Individual tax rate
Information citation with URL
n. Current inflation rate
Information citation with URL
o. World Bank rank on ease of doing business
Information citation with URL
p. Most recent unemployment level
Information citation with URL
q. Cell phone usage per 1000 people
Information citation with URL
r. Internet usage per 1000 people
Information citation with URL
s. Average # of vacation days per year
Information citation with URL
t. Average # of leave (leave, sick, maternity, paternity) days per year
Information citation with URL
u. Your country’s Hofstede uncertainty score and the U. S. uncertainty score
Information citation with URL
v. Your country’s Hofstede power distance score and the U. S. power distance score
Information citation with URL
w. Your country’s Hofstede individualism score and the U. S. individualism score
Information citation with URL
x. Your country’s Hofstede M/F score and the U. S. M/F score
Information citation with URL
y. Your country’s Hofstede LT/ST score and the U. S. LT/STscore
Information citation with URL
Part II: Evaluation of current status of .
Answer the following questions about your chosen country in narrative form. For each of the questions, you must write a minimum of a two-paragraph analysis with each consisting of a minimum of 115 words equaling a total of 230 words per question with citation to two sources.
a. What is the status of your chosen country in the world marketplace? Support your answer with research.
Information must include in-text citations.
b. Who are your country’s top three trading partners and are they running a deficit or surplus with them? Over the past three years what has been the valuation of your country’s currency compared to the top three trading countries’ currencies? Identify the top two factors you think are influencing the surplus or deficit with each trading partner and explain why.
Information must include in-text citations.
c. What is the ease of doing business in your chosen country? Support your answer with research.
Information must include in-text citations.
d. Are other countries wanting to invest in your chosen country? Why or why not? Support your answer with research.
Information must include in-text citations.
e. What do you see as the future of your country in the world marketplace? Support your answer with research.
Information must include in-text citations.
Reference List
Cite all sources referenced in part I and II of your paper in APA format.
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