Communication and Relationship Building

 Make oral presentations to diverse audiences on:
» Nursing
» Health care topics
» Organizational issues
 Produce written materials for diverse audiences on:
» Nursing
» Health care topics
» Organizational issues
 Facilitate group discussions
 Demonstrate skill in interpersonal communication

 Build collaborative relationships
 Exhibit effective conflict resolution skills
 Create a trusting environment by:
» Following through on promises and concerns
» Establishing mechanisms to follow-up on commitments
» Balancing the concerns of individuals with organizational goals and objectives
» Engaging staff and others in decision- making
» Communicating in a way as to maintain credibility and relationships

 Assert views in non-threatening, non- judgmental ways
 Create a shared vision
 Facilitate consensus building
 Inspire desired behaviors and manage undesired behaviors

 Achieve outcomes through engagement of stakeholders
 Promote decisions that are patient-centered
 Apply situational leadership skills

 Establish an environment that values diversity (e.g. age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, culture)
 Establish cultural competency in the workforce
 Incorporate cultural beliefs into care delivery
 Provide an environment conducive to opinion sharing, exploration of ideas and achievement of outcomes

 Represent the organization to non-health care constituents within the community
 Serve as a resource to community and business leaders regarding nursing and health care
 Represent the community perspective in the decision-making process within the organization/system
 Represent nursing to the media
 Serve on community-based boards, advisory groups, and task forces

 Build credibility with physicians as a champion for patient care, quality and the professional practice of nursing
 Confront and address inappropriate or disruptive behavior towards patients and staff
 Represent nursing at medical executive committee and other department/medical staff committees

 Collaborate with medical staff leaders and other disciplines in determining needed patient care service lines
 Collaborate with physicians and other disciplines to develop patient care protocols, policies and procedures
 Collaborate to determine patient care equipment and facility needs
 Use medical staff mechanisms to address physician clinical performance issues
 Address and model appropriate conflict resolution
 Create opportunities for physicians and nurses to engage in professional dialogue

 Determine current and future supply and demand for nurses to meet the care delivery needs
 Identify educational needs of existing and potential nursing staff
 Collaborate with nursing programs to provide required resources
 Collaborate with nursing programs in evaluating quality of graduating clinicians and develop mechanisms to enhance this quality
 Serve on academic advisory councils
 Collaborate in nursing research and translate evidence into practice
 Collaborate to investigate care delivery models across the continuum
 Create academic partnerships to ensure a qualified workforce for the future

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