Coaching Styles


I believe that every employee and executive should have a coach. I especially believe that every leader needs a coach, even if they are already good leaders. As you view this coaching session by Alicia Marie (see Coaching Evaluation Resource below) evaluate how she coaches this leader, Elizabeth Beskin, in order to take her from where she is to where she wants to be. After reading this week’s readings and conducting additional research, please address and answer the following questions. Please adhere to discussion requirements.

  1. What are you noticing about Ms. Marie’s coaching style relative to what we have learned about what coaching is in this course?
  2. Which of the ICF core competencies is she exemplifying? Clarify.
  3. Who do you believe is leading this session?
  4. What suggestions (based on research) might you provide to Ms. Marie in order to make this an even better session for Ms. Beskin?

The student will post one thread of at least 350 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 different peer-reviewed articles and 1 citation and reference from the textbook in current APA format.

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