Career Management Assignment

This assignment counts as part of your course grade. The written report will be submitted on Canvas by the deadline. Your written report in WORD format (NO pdf files, please) should be between 750 – 1,000 words.

Here are your instructions:

You will research a career field that you would like to work in. You will compare your own vocational interests (using the Holland interest inventory) to the vocational interests related to that job.

1. Go to the O*net website: Please keep in mind that the O*net website is administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. Any information you discover about the job outlook or pay rates for a particular job are based on U.S. data. So, be careful how you use that information.

2. Find an Occupation. You can search in many different ways – by Career Cluster, Industry or Job Family. Search for a job that is appealing to you and one which you might want to obtain after you complete your studies.

3. After you choose the job, O*net will give you a detailed job description Summary Report for that job.

4. Read through the tasks and responsibilities, and look at the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to work in this job.

5. Continue reviewing the Summary Report until you find the INTERESTS section (where you will see the Interest Code for this job – two or three letters). This section should follow the EDUCATION and CREDENTIALS sections.

6. You will see a link to the O*Net Interest Profiler. Click on the link.

7. Complete the Interest Profiler. You will answer 60 questions about work activities and how much you might enjoy them. You must answer all 60 questions.

8. You will receive results from the Interest Profiler. The results will give you a score for EACH of the six elements (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional). Each score will be between 0-40. Higher scores mean higher interest; lower scores mean lower interest. Your personal Interest Code is the HIGHEST two or three scores. For example, if your highest two scores are for Investigative and Enterprising, your Interest Code is IE.

9. Read about your TWO HIGHEST interests.

10. Now choose a Job Zone. It is recommended that you select Job Zone 3: Medium Preparation Needed if you wish to research a job for internship; select Job Zone 4: High Preparation Needed if you wish to research a job after university.

11. After you have completed the Interest Profiler and chosen a Job Zone, you will be offered careers that fit your choices. So, hit “Next” to obtain the job recommendations.

12. Occupations that are “best fit” and “great fit” will be offered to you. The list may be rather long.

13. Choose one of the occupations that you are attracted to. This is an occupation you might want to work in some day. Click on the job title and you will be taken to My Next Move, a link within O*net that gives you more details about the KSAs, Personality, Technology, Education, and Job Outlook for this occupation.

14. Review the information on the My Next Move page. Pay special attention to the Personality qualities. Consider how well the requirements match your own personality.

15. Write a summary that answers the following questions:

         A. What job did you choose when you began the assignment – Step #2 in the instructions. Briefly explain WHY you chose that job.

         B. What was the Interest Code for this job from Step #5?

         C. What is your personal Interest Code that you obtain after completing the Interest Profiler – Step #8? Explain a little about your TWO of THREE highest scores – Step #9. What kinds of tasks do people with those interests like to do?

         D. How many “best fit” and “great fit” job options were offered to you after you chose a Job Zone – Step #12.

         E. Which occupation from the options did you choose – Step #13. Briefly explain WHY you chose that job to research further.

         F. After reviewing the information on the My Next Move page, explain how well your interests and personality match the requirements for the jobs you selected BOTH at the start of the assignment (Step #2) AND at the end (Step #13). Talk about what the matches (or lack of matches) mean for your future career satisfaction.

         G. Identify the steps you plan to take to obtain one of your desired occupations. Be as specific as possible.

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