Bivariate Linear Regression

Part 1

The top management personnel of a large company have told you that they would like to be able to determine what the impact of years of service at their company has on workers’ productivity levels, and they would like to be able to predict potential productivity based upon years of service. The company has data on all of its employees and has been using a valid productivity measure that assesses each employee’s productivity.

What is a possible way to answer their question, and how does the analysis work? Reference the section on bivariate linear regression from Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh.

Part 2

After reviewing the results of the analysis in Part 1, the company found that it is significantly related. However, a statistician reviewed the output and said that the results really do not explain much of what is happening in the total relationship.

What information is the statistician referring to from your output, and why is it important? Reference the section on bivariate linear regression from Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh.

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