Baldridge Reflective Paper


One of the primary purposes of this course is to allow students who are about to complete their programs of study at the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business to demonstrate their familiarity with the Baldrige Core Values.


Write a reflective paper summarizing your experience of the BUS411 course. Refer to the Baldrige Core Values in this reflective exercise and discuss how these Core Values were exhibited in your work in this course and throughout your program of studies in the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business.

• Refer back to the Baldrige Core Values PowerPoint.
• Discuss how these Core Values were exhibited in your work throughout this course and your program of study in the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business.
• What are your key takeaways from your study of the Baldrige Core Values?
• What will you utilize in your career that you have learned through these Core Values?

Discuss how these Core Values were exhibited in your work throughout this course and your program of study in the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business. 

  • What are your key takeaways from your study of the Baldrige Core Values? 
  • What will you utilize in your career that you have learned through these Core Values?


  • Submit a four page, minimum, Word document covering the elements of the assignment.
  • Develop a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Use paragraph format and transitions. 
  • Focus on the quality of writing and content. 
  • Use elements of APA formatting (title, references, and in-text citations). Abstract is not required. The title page, reference page, and appendices are excluded in page length requirement.
  • Two or more academic references are present and formatted properly.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Baldridge Reflective Paper Assignment

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