Assignment Description: In this essay, you will select a specific text(s) on your syllabus for this semester and argue why this particular text should OR should not be taught again in future sections of this course. In other words, using your opinion as a student who sat through the lectures and read the material as well as credible, outside sources who validate your argument, argue why a text we have read this semester should (or should not) be taught in future British Literature courses.
You will need textual support from the primary work you select as well as support from secondary sources. The secondary sources should justify the literature’s relevancy. I encourage you to use our Library Databases in finding these secondary sources; please consult with me or the librarians on how to access and use these. Remember, your scope should be narrow—be wary of combining too many of the readings into one essay.
Please Note:
- Failure to adequately cite any outside information correctly will result in an automatic zero for this assignment.
- You will submit this essay ONLY through D2L. Hard copies will not be accepted.
- Per class policy, absolutely NO LATE WORK is accepted in this course. Once the D2L folder locks, it is locked!
You will apply the formal writing skills you studied in 1010 and 1020! As such, the essay must be at least four FULL pages of content using MLA formatting guidelines + works cited page:
- Times New Roman font
- 12 point size
- 1 inch margins
- MLA style header and running head
- Double spaced lines
- No extra space between paragraphs
**Students must include MLA formatted parenthetical citations in-text AND a works cited page. Failure to do so will result in an automatic zero on the assignment.**
Important Essay Dates:
25 Apr. 2022:
- Essay in D2L Assignment Submission Folder (uploaded as .doc, .docx, or .pdf)
- You must submit the essay or you will receive an automatic zero for this assignment.
- If the file is unrecognizable or inaccessible, you will not receive credit
- You must submit the essay or you will receive an automatic zero for this assignment.
- If you miss either submission deadline, you will automatically receive a zero. This policy is firm.
Complete the check-list below when drafting and proofing your essay:
- Does the MLA Header look like this but DOUBLE SPACED (adjust your date accordingly)?:
25 Apr. 2022 _______ yes _____no
- Is the font Times New Roman 12? _______ yes _____no
- Are the margins one inch? _______ yes _____no
- Is there a proper, centered title? _______ yes _____no
- Is it ONLY double spaced? _______ yes _____no
- Is there a running head in the upper right margin? _______ yes _____no
- Is every source in the paper represented on the works cited page? _______ yes _____no
- Does every source have a signal phrase? ______ yes _____no
- Is the information in either the signal phrase OR parenthetical the first thing you see when you look at the corresponding works cited entry? _______ yes _____no
- Is the article title in quotes throughout the paper? _______ yes _____no
- Is the works cited citation on its own page? _______ yes _____no
- Does the works cited page have HANGING indent? _______ yes _____no
- Is the works cited page in ABC order? _______ yes _____no
- If it’s a play or novella, is it italics throughout? _______ yes _____no
- If it’s a short story, speech, or poem, is it in quotes throughout? _______ yes _____no
- Is there at least one primary source? _______ yes _____no
- Is there at least one secondary source? _______ yes _____no
If you have any of the following marked as “yes,” PLEASE FIX:
- Are there quotes in the intro paragraph? _______ yes _____no
- Are there quotes in the conclusion paragraph? _______ yes _____no
- Are there any back-to-back quotes? _______ yes _____no
- Are there any quotes that start paragraphs? _______ yes _____no
- Are there any quotes that end paragraphs? _______ yes _____no
- Is the paper too source heavy? _______ yes _____no
- Does the works cited citation follow these formats exactly if:
Citing a work in an anthology: à YOUR TEXTBOOK
Last, First Name of Author. “Title of Article.” Larger Collection, edited by Editor(s) Names, Publisher, year, page range. _______ yes _____no
Citing a page on a website: à Any article from the internet (excluding databases)
Last, First Name of Author. “Title of Article.” Larger Collection, original date published, URL without http://). Accessed Access Date.
_______ yes _____no
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