Assessments and Interventions for Early Literacy

Discussion Prompt: Assessments and Interventions for Early Literacy

Every child can communicate. Early childhood language assessments and interventions are child- and family-centered, ensuring that families are involved in all the decisions made about assessment and intervention for the child. Our job as teachers is to match this data collection to the needs of our students. We are building foundational skills. The goals of intervention in early literacy are to increase the elaboration, maturity, and efficiency of communication and to help the children use that communication in life’s contexts, including play, problem solving, and social interaction.

For this week’s discussion, thoroughly answer these questions from this week’s reading:

  • Discuss the essential ingredients in successful intervention, and give examples of incorporating each ingredient into an early childhood classroom-based language program.
  • Examine specific examples of intervention materials and technology that focus on language production and compare and contrast them to those designed to target language comprehension. Provide detailed explanation and rationale for how and why these examples can be used as communication intervention for pre-linguistic children with ASD.
  • Why is it suggested that intervention focus on selecting production as a target response rather than comprehension? How does technology assist in shifting target responses to both production and comprehension?


Paul, R., Norbury, C., & Gosse, C. (2018). Language disorders from infancy through adolescence (5th ed.).

Chapter 6: Assessment and intervention in the pre-linguistic period

Chapter 7: Assessment and intervention for emerging language

Chapter 8: Assessment of developing language

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