Artefact 1: 1,500 words (+/- 10%) – Annotated bibliography (30%)
You must write a 1,500-word (+-10%) annotated bibliography related to the following question: How, and to what extent, is the global anti-money laundering system effective?
Students must search for and analyse relevant academic literature. Students must critically analyse and evaluate six academic sources (relevant to the question). These must be academic papers and books. In their bibliography, students must include the following elements:
- Short introduction (approximately 150 words). Students must explain their keywords as well as inclusion and exclusion criteria.
- Critical analysis and evaluation of six academic sources (approximately 150-200 words per academic source). Students must keep to the following structure when critically analysing and evaluating academic sources:
- Title of the chosen academic source;
- Main aim of the chosen academic source;
- Main findings of the academic source;
- How the academic source answers the main question (How, and to what extent, is the global anti-money laundering system effective?)
- Contribution of the academic source to the current state of knowledge;
- Main limitations of the academic source.
- Students must conclude with a discussion on common themes and messages that they identified when analysing all six academic sources (approximately 200 words).
- All assignments must be structured coherently and argued critically, demonstrating wide reading and research, with all supporting evidence correctly referenced in the text and included in a reference list. Students must use the APA 7th ed. format.
Assessment guidance:
An annotated bibliography is a list of academic sources with brief “annotations” for each that describe the source’s content and summaries its main argument. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.
Students must search for and analyse relevant academic literature. Students must discuss six academic sources. These must be academic papers and books. When compiling these six sources, students must:
- Select sources that relate to the main question: How, and to what extent, is the global anti-money laundering system effective?
- When selecting sources, you need to use our library search engine and work with appropriate keywords. I would suggest to identify 3-5 keywords that are directly related to the assignment question. For more guidance on how to search for literature see
- Inclusion and exclusion criteria set the boundaries for your literature search. They help you justify why you selected some sources and excluded other sources. Include 3-4 inclusion and 3-4 exclusion criteria in your introduction. Examples of inclusion and exclusion criteria:
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