Analytical Paper Assignment

Please read the questions listed below and make sure that you provide compete answers in your responses. The two essays you are required to complete must be typed, and include a cover page and a bibliography of the readings used/cited to answer each essay response.

Moreover, you must use the writing structure prescribed by the instructor in writing handout #1 (you can find it on Beachboard in the ‘content’ section). Please note that failing to follow these instructions will result in poor or non-passing scores on the assignment. Finally, please use a 12” font size and 1” margins on all sides of each page in your response. You may use any typing font of your choice.

I.    ESSAY #1 (Expected Response: Maximum Length, 4 Pages, Double-Spaced) Important Note: The total length does not include the cover page and bibliography.

Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan (1661) and John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government (1689) during the 17th century provided some of the key concepts and theories that are foundational to Western democratic governance, law-making, individual rights and freedoms, and the balance between state power and social rights. Indeed, the design of American democracy owes much to the insights provided by both Hobbes and Locke. Drawing only from the required course readings, write an essay which clearly a) describes b) compares and c) analyzes the writings of Hobbes and Locke. How do these theorists conceptualize the state and its relationship to society? What are Hobbes and Locke’s respective theoretical propositions and arguments, and how do they compare to each other? Based on your understanding of the writings by Hobbes and Locke, what is your critical assessment of their ideas and theories? Please make sure to address all components of the question for full credit.


I.     ESSAY #2 (Expected Response: Maximum Length, 4 Pages, Double-Spaced) Important Note: The total length does not include cover the page and bibliography.

One of the major philosophers of the 18th century was Adam Smith. In his writings, Smith was concerned with moral philosophical questions as well as economic processes, particularly the development of a market system which would facilitate the production and exchange of labor, capital, goods, and services. Over time, Smith’s concepts and theories have been adopted, re-worked, and/or contested by modern societies. Based on Adam Smith’s two major works (The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) and The Wealth of Nations (1776) ) write an essay in which you a) explain Smith’s key concepts and theories regarding markets and economy-society relations as described in both books; and b) offer your critical analysis of and reaction to Smith’s ideas and arguments. If you were able to meet with Mr. Smith for conversation today, what would you tell Mr. Smith are the strengths and/or limitations of his ideas? Please make sure to address all components of the question for full credit.

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