Analytic Power of Economic Theory


Imagine an all powerful benevolent dictator of a small poor country that wishes to improve a lot of his subjects.
The dictator has a good education and respects the analytic power of economic theory.
Compare and contrast the advice the dictator would get if he hired Milton Friedman or Stephen Moore to advise him.
In what ways would the advice be the same and in what ways would it be different?
Whose advice would you follow and why?


  1. Your submission should be about 1000 words. Short papers will be penalized.
    There is no maximum length.
  2. Proper grammar and effective use of English counts.
  3. Use Standard MLA format including a works cited page if necessary.
  4. Write your essay using Word or equivalent, save it as a Word file (doc or docx
    file type) and upload the file.
    Based off of readings from the books – Trumponomics by Stephen Moore and Free
    To Choose — A Personal Statement by Milton Friedman

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