Analysis of Genres

Imagine you are the professor of a course like Lit70 and prepare a brief lecture for the class.

For your final project, worth 150 points, you will record a presentation that will be posted on Week 15’s discussion forum so we will all be able to see/comment on each other’s projects. You will also be submitting a written version of the project to for verification of originality Week 15 on the course site. Both the presentation and written version are required.


1) You will select a marginalized American author we have NOT read this semester in Lit70. You may select any genre you prefer.

2) You will conduct research on the author’s background and prepare a brief biography- no more than 100 words. This will undoubtedly use cited source material so be sure to use APA Citation in the written submission.

3) Select one piece of writing from your author. Practice close reading and annotation.

4) Using the appropriate literary elements from the semester depending on the genre you choose, complete a 500 word literary analysis of the selected writing. This portion will be all your own writing and should not use outside resources or AI.

5) Prepare and record a 6 minute presentation that includes the following:

  • Author’s biography- you may use cited outside sources for this section- no more than 1 minute
  • Brief summary of the chosen writing- this should be short, succinct and all your original writing; no outside sources-no more than 1 minute. Summary is only needed for the presentation not the written
  • Literary analysis of the chosen writing- this should be all your original writing and the majority of your presentation; no outside sources and 4 minutes

When recording your lecture for the class, please do not read off of your computer screen or place a piece of paper over your face. Use note cards or other visual prompts so that you deliver an engaging lecture that does not sound like someone merely reading to the class.

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