Academic Behavior Change Project

Overall directions: The purpose the academic behavior change project is to “change” (e.g., improve) the academic abilities of a student (e.g., reading fluency, expository writing). You must teach at a minimum of three lessons but no more than five lessons. The lessons you develop can come from lessons you develop in EXC 6580/4580, if appropriate. The emphasis of those courses is instruction. Should you want to teach more than five lessons, please let the instructor know.

The focus of this project is assessment. What is taught and assessed is highly dependent upon your circumstances and the needs of the target student. Information for only one student is submitted for this project though you may have additional students who are learning from the lessons and assessments you provide. You must assess baseline student performance. Baseline data are analogous to a pretest. If appropriate, the Teacher Made Test developed in this class can be used as a pretest-posttest. Similarly, curriculum-based measures as described in this class can be used as a pretest-posttest and used as formative assessments. To measure change, it is important that the content of the assessments be the same to show student growth. 

Over the semester, numerous checkpoints will be provided so you can gain feedback. The steps below are mostly written in future tense. This is for planning purposes. Once you have completed a step, the step will become past tense and you will indicate what you actually did rather than what you plan to do. This document is divided into three sections. All three sections use the same template.

a. The first section provides directions on how to complete the project.

b. The second section provides a brief example of what the project might look like.

c. The third section is a blank project form. Please use this blank form to complete your project. Do not submit sections one or two.

The final project is to be submitted in ONE Word file. Submitting multiple files or different formats, you will asked to resubmit the assignment.



NameYour name
School descriptionDescribe the school the target student is attending.
Classroom description:Describe the classroom the target student is attending where you provide instruction. If you are completing this assignment outside of a classroom, please describe the setting.
Role in schoolDescribe your role in the school (e.g., teacher, paraprofessional, student teacher, etc.).
Schoolwide and Classroom-level behavioral supportsDescribe school-level and classroom level behavioral supports that help to create a positive learning environment. Examples include PBIS, behavior support plans, etc. Describe how you will use these supports to encourage student engagement (e.g., opportunities to learn, on-task behavior). For example, as part of the schoolwide PBIS program, students may earn marbles that can be turned in for rewards at the end of the week for following class expectations. The target learner was able to earn marbles during the intervention experience.
Schoolwide and Classroom-level academic supportsDescribe school-level and classroom level academic supports that help to create a positive learning environment. Examples include schoolwide literacy programs, afterschool programs, etc. Describe how you will use these supports to encourage student learning (e.g., opportunities to learn). For example, as part of the schoolwide literacy program, the student has learned the RAP strategy. The RAP strategy provides the student identify the main idea and details of a paragraph. Since this focus on my instruction is on math problem solving, I will remind the student to use the RAP strategy while solving the math problems as she learns about Geometry.

Student (pupil) Description

Pseudo student namePseudo pupil’s first name
Student demographicsDescribe the student. Include age, grade, language spoken, and any other relevant details.
DisabilitiesIndicate know disabilities. The student you select should have at least one high incidence disability (e.g., EBD, SLD, MID).
Academic strengths:Provide information about the academic behavior of the student. Include strengths inherent to the student that could be helpful for the learner during instruction.  
Academic areas to improveProvide information about the academic behavior of the student. Include areas to improve (weaknesses) inherent to the student that could serve as barrier to the learner when you are providing instruction.  
Academic focus projectProvide a specific statement about the target area for the student. Connect the student’s target area with the needs/areas to improve (weakness) that you identified. For example, a student may perform adequately in math but consistently performs poorly in long division. He struggles with following multi-step directions and recalling basic facts.
Behavioral considerationsProvide any known concerns about the student’s behavior not addressed in the schoolwide or classroom information noted above. For example, if the student has a tailored behavior program or intervention, describe it. Indicate how you will implement the behavioral strategies with the student during instruction to increase academic learning.
Accommodations or ModificationsIndicate accommodations or modifications the student is to be provided.   

Intervention Description

Intervention descriptionDescribe in detail the intervention you plan on using and why it is being used. Indicate the materials you will use to support the intervention. For example, if you are teaching reading fluency, you could use the FASTBridge Repeated Readings program. Not using a specific program is fine too but you must describe the intervention either way.
Research/TheoryIndicate the research or theory that supports the intervention you selected. For example, the FASTBridge program is based on repeated reading research which indicates reading fluency can be increased by providing the student with repeated readings. Include reference(s) on repeated reading and/or the FASTBridge program. 
Intervention duration and frequencyIndicate the length of each lesson, how often instruction is provided each week, and how many weeks. Indicate why you think the duration and frequency was appropriate.
Rationale for intervention selection:Provide a rationale for the selection of the intervention. For example, describe how repeated reading directly relates to what you want the student to learn. Indicate how the intervention is age appropriate. The reason for using a program cannot be simply because the program is being used in the school. It is fine to use a program currently provided by the school but you need a clear rationale for why the intervention is appropriate.
How instruction increase opportunity and accessIndicate how the skill being taught is important to the student’s access to school and community. How will the skill being taught increase the opportunity for the student to access schooling? How will the skill being taught increase the opportunity for the student to access community and/or postschool activities?    

Intervention Lesson Plans

Use the following table to describe your lesson plans. You must use this format even if your school uses a different format.

 GPS StandardLearning ObjectiveTeacher actionsStudent actionsResources
      Lesson 1    Indicate the GPS standard being taught. Include the actual standard in addition to the standard code.      Objective of this lesson. The objective should include a condition, learner’s name, behavior, and criteria.  Teacher actions (instructional steps) including feedback based on assessments. Include an outline of the instructional steps you plan to provide.Student actions. Include an outline of what is expected for the student to do during the lesson.  Materials. Include a listing of all the materials for this lesson.
      Lesson 2  Indicate the GPS standard being taught. Include the actual standard in addition to the standard code.    Objective of this lesson. The objective should include a condition, learner’s name, behavior, and criteria.Teacher actions (instructional steps) including feedback based on assessments. Include an outline of the instructional steps you plan to provide.Student actions. Include an outline of what is expected for the student to do during the lesson. Materials. Include a listing of all the materials for this lesson.
    Lesson 3  Indicate the GPS standard being taught. Include the actual standard in addition to the standard code.    Objective of this lesson. The objective should include a condition, learner’s name, behavior, and criteria.Teacher actions (instructional steps) including feedback based on assessments. Include an outline of the instructional steps you plan to provide.Student actions. Include an outline of what is expected for the student to do during the lesson. Materials. Include a listing of all the materials for this lesson.
    Lesson 4  Indicate the GPS standard being taught. Include the actual standard in addition to the standard code.    Objective of this lesson. The objective should include a condition, learner’s name, behavior, and criteria.Teacher actions (instructional steps) including feedback based on assessments. Include an outline of the instructional steps you plan to provide.Student actions. Include an outline of what is expected for the student to do during the lesson. Materials. Include a listing of all the materials for this lesson.
    Lesson 5  Indicate the GPS standard being taught. Include the actual standard in addition to the standard code.    Objective of this lesson. The objective should include a condition, learner’s name, behavior, and criteria.Teacher actions (instructional steps) including feedback based on assessments. Include an outline of the instructional steps you plan to provide.Student actions. Include an outline of what is expected for the student to do during the lesson. Materials. Include a listing of all the materials for this lesson.

Measuring Performance-Assessment Table

a. DateIndicate the date the baseline or pretest was administered.
b. DescriptionDescribe the baseline or pretest.
c. Results/outcome:Describe the results/outcomes of the assessment.
d. Error patterns:Describe the error patterns identified from the baseline or pretest.
e. How data informs lesson #1 instructionDescribe how you will use these data to inform lesson #1 instruction.
f. Standards assessedIndicate the standards assessed by the baseline or pretest.
Lesson 1 formative assessment description
a. Date:Indicate the date of this lesson.
b. Description:Indicate the data collection methods (e.g., rubrics, checklists, observations, quick writes, etc.) used to assess performance during and/or at the end of the lesson. Note: You will include a copy of the actual assessments taken by the student at the end of this document. You must include the evaluated student version. You can scan the copy into this Word document or include it in a separate document.
c. ResultsIndicate the results of the assessment. Be specific and detailed. 
d. Error patterns:Describe student performance patterns. Describe any patterns or trends in the student’s performance.
e. How data informs lesson #2 instruction:Describe how you will use these data to inform the next lesson.
Lesson 2 formative assessment description
a. Date:Indicate the date of this lesson.
b. Description:Indicate the data collection methods (e.g., rubrics, checklists, observations, quick writes, etc.) used to assess performance during and/or at the end of the lesson. Note: You will include a copy of the actual assessments taken by the student at the end of this document. You must include the evaluated student version. You can scan the copy into this Word document or include it in a separate document.
c. Results:Indicate the results of the assessment. Be specific and detailed. 
d. Error patterns:Describe student performance patterns. Describe any patterns or trends in the student’s performance.
e. How data informs lesson #3 instruction:Describe how you will use these data to inform the next lesson.
Lesson 3 formative assessment description
a. Date:Indicate the date of this lesson.
b. Description:Indicate the data collection methods (e.g., rubrics, checklists, observations, quick writes, etc.) used to assess performance during and/or at the end of the lesson. Note: You will include a copy of the actual assessments taken by the student at the end of this document. You must include the evaluated student version. You can scan the copy into this Word document or include it in a separate document.
c. Results:Indicate the results of the assessment. Be specific and detailed. 
d. Error patterns:Describe student performance patterns. Describe any patterns or trends in the student’s performance.
e. How data informs lesson #4 instruction:Describe how you will use these data to inform the next lesson.
Lesson 4 formative assessment description
a. Date:Indicate the date of the this lesson.
b. Description:Indicate the data collection methods (e.g., rubrics, checklists, observations, quick writes, etc.) used to assess performance during and/or at the end of the lesson. Note: You will include a copy of the actual assessments taken by the student at the end of this document. You must include the evaluated student version. You can scan the copy into this Word document or include it in a separate document.
c. Results:Indicate the results of the assessment. Be specific and detailed. 
d. Error patterns:Describe student performance patterns. Describe any patterns or trends in the student’s performance.
e. How data informs lesson #5 instruction:Describe how you will use these data to inform the next lesson.
Lesson 5 formative assessment description
a. Date:Indicate the date of this lesson.
b. Description:Indicate the data collection methods (e.g., rubrics, checklists, observations, quick writes, etc.) used to assess performance during and/or at the end of the lesson. Note: You will include a copy of the actual assessments taken by the student at the end of this document. You must include the evaluated student version. You can scan the copy into this Word document or include it in a separate document.
c. Results:Indicate the results of the assessment. Be specific and detailed. 
d. Error patterns:Describe student performance patterns. Describe any patterns or trends in the student’s performance.
e. How data informs future instruction:Describe how you will use these data to inform the next lesson.
Final measure/posttest
a. DateIndicate the date of the final measure/pretest.
b. DescriptionIndicate the data collection methods (e.g., rubrics, checklists, observations, quick writes, etc.) used to assess performance between baseline and the final measure/pretest. You must be able to make a clear connection between the baseline assessment and the final assessment. Note: You will include a copy of the actual assessments taken by the student at the end of this document. You must include the evaluated student version. You can scan the copy into this Word document or include it in a separate document.
c. Posttest resultsIndicate the results of the final assessment and a summary of all assessment data. Be specific and detailed. Compare and contrast the baseline data to the final assessment data. Graphic representations (e.g., tables, charts, graphs) may be useful.
d. Progress toward instructional goalIndicate the progress the student made toward the overall instructional goal for all the lessons you provided. Use the assessment data to make your case.
e. How data informs future instructionIndicate how these data will be used to inform future instruction even if you do not plan to provide that instruction.
Assessment reflection
a. Reflection on why student outcomes occurredDescribe why you think the student did or did not make the anticipated progress. Reflect your behaviors and the behaviors of students.
b. Reflection on how assessment influenced instructionDescribe how assessments influenced your instruction across all of the lessons. Reflect on why assessment is an essential component of instruction.
c. Reflections on the what you did and how to improve the assessment processDescribe the strengths and areas to improve regarding the assessment processes you used. Reflect on specific behaviors you took that produced quality assessment processes. Include at least two specific actions you took.  Describe how you could improve/enhance the assessment process. Reflect on specific actions you will take to improve/enhance the assessment process. Include at least two specific behaviors you will take.
e. Reflections on how to improve your instructionDescribe the strengths and areas to improve regarding the instruction you provided. Reflect on specific behaviors you took that produced quality instruction. Include at least one specific action you took.  Describe how you could improve/enhance the instruction you provided. Reflect on specific actions you will take to improve/enhance the assessment process. Include at least two specific behaviors you will take.

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