Diagnosis of Diseases

Case 1

A 5 old male presents with bilat ear pain, fever, cough, and runny nose for about 20 days. He was seen earlier in the month and diagnosed with otitis media and prescribed amoxicillin for 7 days. He continued to run a fever after completing the antibiotics and was seen again with continued otitis media. The nurse practitioner prescribed amoxicillin/clavulanate for 10 days. He improved after the completion of antibiotics but now presents with the symptoms listed. He has no allergies and no medical history.

Exam showed
Vital Signs blood pressure 90/50, pulse 90, respirations 20, temp 38.7 ℃, Weight 85 lbs

HEENT: Bilat tympanic membranes with erythema and bulging, green nasal discharge, erythema in the posterior pharynx, neck supply without adenopathy
CV: regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs
Respiratory: Clear equal bilaterally breath sounds

Bilateral Otitis Media

  1. Discuss what are the potential treatments for this child’s diagnosis
  2. What antibiotic/s should be given for this patient’s diagnosis?
  3. How long should you prescribe the chosen antibiotic?
  4. What teaching would you give this child’s parents on the prescription?
  5. Write out a correct prescription for the antibiotic you are going to prescribe for this patient. (Be sure to include all elements needed for a correct prescription)
    Case 2
    A 3 yo male presents with fever, cough, and runny nose for about 2 days. His cough is nonproductive, with clear drainage from his nose. His Mother reports giving him only Tylenol for the fever and it seems to help. No reported allergies

Exam showed
Vital Signs blood pressure 85/40, pulse 110, respirations 22, temp 38.7 ℃, Weight 45 lbs

HEENT: Bilat tympanic membranes bulging, clear nasal discharge, erythema in the posterior pharynx on left side only, neck supply without adenopathy
CV: regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs
Respiratory: Clear equal bilaterally breath sounds

Labs: Rapid Streptococcus (negative results)
Rapid Influenza (Positive results)

Influenza A

  1. Discuss what are the potential treatments for this child’s diagnosis
  2. What antibiotic/s should be given for this patient’s diagnosis?
  3. How long should you prescribe the chosen antibiotic?
  4. What teaching would you give this child’s parents on the prescription
  5. Write out a correct prescription for the antibiotic you are going to prescribe for this patient. (Be sure to include all elements needed for a correct prescription)

Case 3
18 yo female presents with fever, dysuria, and frequency for about 2 days. She reports being 12 weeks pregnant. Denies any nausea or vomiting. She reports she is allergic to Penicillin.

Exam showed
Vital Signs blood pressure 110/80, pulse 105, respirations 22, temp 38.7 ℃, Weight 95 lbs

HEENT: Bilat tympanic membranes bulging, clear nasal discharge, erythema in the posterior pharynx on left side only, neck supply without adenopathy
CV: regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs
Respiratory: Clear equal bilaterally breath sounds
Abd: soft, mild suprapubic tenderness, no distention bowel sounds equal and active in all quadrants.

Labs: UA: ++ leukocytes, + nitrates, + blood

Urinary Tract Infection

  1. Discuss what are the potential treatments for this child’s diagnosis
  2. What antibiotic/s should be given for this patient’s diagnosis?
  3. How long should you prescribe the chosen antibiotic?
  4. What teaching would you give this child’s parents on the prescription
  5. Write out a correct prescription for the antibiotic you are going to prescribe for this patient. (Be sure to include all elements needed for a correct prescription)

Case 4
A 3 yo female presents with fever, dysuria, and frequency for about 2 days. Mother report she cries when she urinates. The mother reports child does not have any nausea or vomiting. She reports she is allergic to Penicillin.

Exam showed
Vital Signs blood pressure 85/40, pulse 110, respirations 22, temp 38.7 ℃, Weight 31 lbs

HEENT: Bilat tympanic membranes bulging, clear nasal discharge, erythema in the posterior pharynx on left side only, neck supply without adenopathy
CV: regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs
Respiratory: Clear equal bilaterally breath sounds

Abd: soft, mild suprapubic tenderness, no distention bowel sounds equal and active in all quadrants.

Labs: UA: ++ leukocytes, + nitrates, + blood

Urinary Tract Infection

  1. Discuss what are the potential treatments for this child’s diagnosis
  2. What antibiotic/s should be given for this patient’s diagnosis?
  3. How long should you prescribe the chosen antibiotic?
  4. What teaching would you give this child’s parents on the prescription
  5. Write out a correct prescription for the antibiotic you are going to prescribe for this patient. (Be sure to include all elements needed for a correct prescription)

Initial Post:
● Length: A minimum of 500 words, max of 1000 not including references or attachments
● Citations: At least two high-level scholarly references in APA from within the last 5 years
Peer Responses:
● Number: A Minimum of 2 to Peer Posts, at least one on a different day and a different post than the main post.
● Length: A minimum of 250 words per post, not including references
● Citations: At least two high-level scholarly references in APA per post from within the last 5 years
Please see USU Nursing Discussion Rubric

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