Sociology of Imagination

Discussion 1
The following Course Learning Outcomes are assessed in this assignment:
In this discussion, you will be creating 3 posts. Below are the instructions for each post.
Post 1 – Personal Post (5 marks)
By applying C. Wright Mill’s (1959) concept of the sociological imagination, individuals can critically analyze their situations and the world around them, recognizing how social structures, cultural norms, and historical processes shape their lives. Choose an example of personal trouble that can be connected to a larger public or societal trouble. Using the sociological imagination, explain how the issue you chose can be viewed as interconnected. (personal/public issue)
Post 2 & 3 – Reply to 2 other posts (5 marks)
Replies: Reply to two classmates. Provide responses that demonstrate critical thought, and further the discussion. NOT great job, or I agree. These posts must reflect thought and critical thinking that supports or challenges the post you are commenting on as well as provide one citation and reference with each response that strengthens the position or claim you are making.
Cite all your sources in APA style. See Owl Purdue for more information on how to cite your sources.
Please post your response (min 300 words – reference your work) to this discussion board and respond to 2 other postings with meaningful, supported detailed comments
 Chapter 1: Developing Social Imagination, page 6
 Social imagination. from htpps://What Is Sociological Imagination: Definition & Examples (

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