Overview: Each group will develop a research paper using at least 3 studies that address their research question. The studies are to be high levels of evidence available for their topic. The group should utilize articles from the individual “Data Extraction” and “Quality Assessment” selected by their group members.
• Each group will utilize at least 3 studies that address their research question.
o The studies MUST be one of the approved study designs (controlled intervention/clinical study (random or non-randomized), meta-analysis, systematic review, cohort and/or diagnostic study and have been published in a peer-reviewed journal within the last 10 years and submitted with assignment. (3%)
Writing the Paper
Introduction (10%): provide an overview paragraph that introduces the reader to your topic with the necessary background to understand the overarching problem your research is addressing, which leads to the purpose of the research. Citations must be used in this section to support the background information and problem.
Methods (10%): provide 1 paragraph that informs the reader of what the group did to search, review and select the studies to address the specific research question. Then a required table of the search criteria.
• REQUIRED Table (5%): the table encompasses the final search criteria for each database. It must have at least 4 different databases with the final search criteria used to find studies related to your question: database, search terms/phrase, limits, inclusion, exclusion criteria, and applicable results.
Results (25%): provides the pertinent combined data elements from the included studies that relate to the research question. Use the data extractions to write this section!
o The first paragraph provides an overview of the PICO information as a collective body of evidence, not as individual studies.
o REQUIRED Table (5%). Overview of studies. This is placed after the first paragraph. Below is what will be applicable to most research questions. If your research question has other applicable information, please revise the table to include it.
• Study design(s), quality, & level of evidence
• Study population(s)
• Intervention(s)
• Comparison(s)
• Outcome(s)
o The remainder of this section is presented by outcome(s), related to the research question, supported by the collective body of evidence from the included studies, WITHOUT interpretation. Use subheadings if there are multiple outcome categories.
Conclusion (10%): In a paragraph, use the collective body of evidence to ultimately answer the research question. Based upon the findings of your research provide any recommendations for future research and/or for provider or patient care practices.
• Adhere to the assignment template for layout and required headings.
• AMA 11th edition is applied to tables, headings, in-text citations, and references.
o If there is a difference between the template and AMA format, follow the template.
• Typed (Times New Roman and 12pt), double spaced (paragraph settings: 0pt before and after, with box checked), and 1” margins.
• Title page: title, student names, course, assignment name, and school.
DUE to CANVAS: The paper & all full-text studies are submitted by the Research Paper group member, in PDF on Canvas by . Don’t forget to submit your studies!
Member Contribution Evaluation- must be submitted to Canvas in the “Member Contribution
- Research Paper” assignment by each student
Grading rubric is on the next page.
Grading Rubric:
For each percentage category or subcategory, the following scale will be applied:
Proficient: range 100-90% Excellent: 89-80% Novice: 79-70% Unacceptable:<70%
Content The “Guidelines” section of the assignment document provides full details on the following graded items – articles meet criteria (5%) Introduction (10%), methods & table (15%), results & table (30%),
conclusion (10%).
Layout Layout of the assignment conforms to the “Format” specifications of the assignment and the assignment sample template – i.e., title page, spacing, margins, font, page numbering, and assignment template. Table(s) is constructed with proper spacing, column and row headings, and accurate data from articles, so it is clearly presented for the reader. Table(s) includes all key components relevant to addressing the research question. Table(s) is properly
introduced and referenced in the text of the assignment.
Mechanics There are NO mistakes for punctuation, typos, capitalizations,
grammar, run-on sentences, run-on paragraphs, and not complete paragraphs.
3% Articles Full-text studies that meet criteria are submitted with the paper to
AMA AMA 11th edition is followed for heading levels, tables, in-text
citations, quotes, full citations in the references page, and appendices.
10% Member
Contribution Evaluation The member contribution rating is turned in by each group member for this assignment on Canvas.
% Total
Member Contribution Evaluation is on the next page.
Member Contribution Evaluation: use the WORD document on Canvas to complete the evaluation.
Student Name:
Type the name of each group member in a separate column. You do not rate yourself! For each group member, indicate the degree to which you agree with the statements on the left, using a scale of 1-4 (1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=agree; 4=strongly agree). Then total the numbers in each column.
Evaluation Criteria Research Paper Type member in this box Type member in this box Type member in this box Type member in this box
Kept track of their literature searches using a log to record details and provided their final search and review criteria for the paper. (20%)
Was present, on time, and actively participated in all scheduled group meetings. (20%)
Professionally prepared and wrote or assisted, with their assigned sections with accuracy (content, citations, layout, format). (20%)
Performed all assigned duties or tasks in timely manner to progress towards submission. (20%)
Assisted in at least one review of the entire paper against the paper guidelines and grading rubric to ensure all items were met. (20%)
For any rating that is a “1” or “2”, please provide specific details below to support.
Assignment Sample Template on the next page
First name MI. Last name,
PAS 5351 – Evidence-Based Medicine Assignment: Research Paper
Low Carbohydrate vs. Low-Calorie Diet
The introductory section provides an overview paragraph that introduces the reader to your topic with the necessary background to understand the overarching problem your research is addressing, which leads to the purpose of the research. Citations must be used in this section to support the background information and problem.#
A literature search was performed in July 2024 to answer the question, “Does a low- carbohydrate diet yield better condition management outcomes for patients with type 2 diabetes than a low-calorie diet?” The goal was to find at least 3 peer-reviewed studies, published in the last 10 years, with the highest levels of evidence to answer this question. The search included 4 databases, specific search terms, phases, limits, and inclusion/exclusion criteria which are detailed in a search log (Table 1). Six researchers performed the search and review process, which resulted in reviewing 102 applicable titles and abstracts. From that review, 13 full-text studies remained in the selection process for a full-text review. After the 13 articles were reviewed and evaluated for their level of evidence, quality#, and best alignment with the research question the group selected 3 studies.
Table 1. Final Search Criteria
Search Terms/Phrases
Limits Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Applicable Search Results
Google Scholar
“low carbohydrate diet AND type 2 diabetes AND meta-analysis”
Last 10 years I: type 2 diabetic adults, glucose, A1C, weight, BP, English, peer-reviewed
E: gestational diabetes
“low carbohydrate diet AND outcomes AND type 2 diabetes”
English, humans, peer-reviewed, full text, last 10 years, meta-analysis, systematic review I: type 2 diabetes, glucose, A1C, weight, BP
E: gestational diabetes
The 3 studies included were 2 meta-analyses and 1 systematic review. The combined population of the studies was 3,021 participants. The combined age of the population included in the studies were adults between the ages of 18-65 years old, all with type 2 diabetes. Two of the 3 studies contained patients with a history of diabetes and no comorbidities. Finally, all 3 studies had a direct comparison of low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diets. Table 2 provides an overview of the included studies.
Table 2. Sample Format for Table – Overview of Studies
XXXX (2016)#
XXXX (2015)#
XXXX (2017)#
Study Design Meta-analysis Meta-analysis Systematic Review
Inclusion/ Exclusion Criteria RCT’s, low carb, low cal, no co-morbid conditions, type 2 diabetes, adults, middle aged RCT’s, low carb, low cal, co-morbid conditions, type 2 diabetes, adults >65 years old No co-morbid conditions, type 2 diabetes, adults
Intervention L Carb diet, HC diet or L Cal diet L Carb diet or L Cal diet L Carb diet or L Cal diet
Follow-up 3, 6, 9, 12 & 18 mo. 3, 6, 9, & 12 mo. 3, 6, 9, & 12 mo.
LCarb yielded the highest reduction of glucose, A1C and weight at 12 mo.
L Carb yielded the highest reduction of A1C and weight in the first 9 months. High relapse after month 9 increased glucose, A1C, and weight. WL not statistically significant at 12 mo. L Carb yielded the highest reduction of glucose, BP and A1C and weight in the first 6 months. High relapse after month 8 increased glucose, A1C, and weight. WL not statistically significant at 12 mo.
Quality Good Fair Good
Abbreviations: N=sample size, RCT=randomized control trial, L Carb = low carbohydrate, HC = high carbohydrate, L Cal=low-calorie, and BP=blood pressure.
Note: This text below is abbreviated, it is meant to show you how to write using the
included studies as combined evidence for an outcome. Utilize the statistical results in the
Results section across the studies. If your question has multiple outcome types, you will have
multiple paragraphs.
The outcome of all 3 studies reported that a low-carbohydrate diet yielded better type 2 diabetic outcomes when compared to a low-calorie diet, but only after a specific duration.#-# The studies reported lower glucose (70-90 vs. 85-125, p <.05 to p<.001), A1C (5.2 to 6.0 vs. 5.9 to 6.5, p <.05 to p<.001) and blood pressure (120-128/78-85 vs. 130-145/80-95, p <.05 to p<.001) between 3-9 months.#-# After this timeframe, the study population relapsed or regressed. As a result, it increased their outcome measures and yielded differences that were not statistically significantly different between groups.#-#
This research found that a low-carbohydrate diet does provide better type 2 diabetic outcomes than a low-calorie diet for type 2 diabetics, but only before month 9 as there was a high rate of relapse after month 8. This made the long-term outcomes not statistically significant between groups. This finding provides clarification to providers on diet recommendations for type 2 diabetic patients, as well as those who are at risk of developing, and supports the current guidelines…# Due to these findings, the researchers recommend….
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Quality assessment of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Study Quality Assessment Tools. n.d. Accessed August 1, 2023. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/study-quality-assessment-tools
- van Mil JW, Henman M. Terminology, the importance of defining. Int J Clin Pharm.
2016;38(3):709-713. Accessed July 31, 2023. doi:10.1007/s11096-016-0294-5
- Author InIn. Title of article. Journal Name Abbreviation. Year;vol(issue no.):inclusive pages. Published [date]. Updated [date]. Accessed [date]. http://www.completeurl.com
- Rakel B, Barr JO, Smith JA, et al. Physical modalities in chronic pain management. Nurs Clin North Am. 2016;14(3):477-494. Accessed July 20, 2023. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002964650200097X?via%3Dihub
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