Major Community Development Assignment


  • Each group will have 4 members.
  • Groups will be assigned by Week 7 and work together on the Major Community Development Assignment during Weeks 7 to 11.
  • For this grant proposal assignment, group members must identify one Community Needs Assessment (submitted by each student as part of the Community Needs Assessment Assignment). In selecting community needs, the group members should use some criteria such as familiarity with the community issue by the students; matching with funder’s focus and priorities (please see United Way Grant call at content box).
  • Each group must create a Google Doc where they will brainstorm their ideas and collaborate to create this assignment. Please write your name and date when you share your ideas and input in the Google Doc. This google doc (as it is) must be submitted along with the assignment. 

Part A: Written Proposal (15%)

  • 8-12 pages (excluding cover page and reference page)
  • APA formatting throughout
  • All group member names will appear beside their contributions to the project proposal.
  • Due in the DropBox: Week 11


The purpose of this assignment is to develop a project idea in order to address the needs of your community of study.

Project Proposal:

Your project will speak to how you will make your project consistent with community development/organizing principles, as well as a social justice and anti-oppressive framework.  

Your proposal will cover the following areas:

Part A: Written Proposal

Project Title:

Project Duration: 1 Year (April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023)

Total Grant: $75,000 (Seventy-five thousand)

Part A: Descriptive Proposal (cont’d)

  1. Community Profile and Needs (approx. 150 to 200 words/ 2-3 small paragraphs) 2 marks
  2. Introduce the neighbourhood and catchment area as specifically as you can – name, location, socio-economic and demographic characteristics
  3. Explain the pressing need/issue that is affecting people in the neighbourhood
  4. Define the problem with supporting statistics and sources
  5. Briefly state the urgency and importance of meeting this community issue
  • Project Participants/Stakeholders (approx. 100 to 150 words/ 1-2 small paragraphs)             1 mark
  • Who is directly affected by the issue?
  • Who is indirectly affected by the issue?
  • Who is (community groups) currently working with/connected with the affected population?

  • Describe alignment between community needs, agency involvement and funder’s priorities (approx. 100 to 150 words/ 1-2 small paragraphs) 1 mark
  • Outline your agency’s vision, mission, experience and priorities in dealing with the issues in the neighborhood and project participants
  • Demonstrate community development and resident engagement expertise and knowledge of your agency regarding the local community
  • How does your request reflect the priorities of the funder?

  • Project Goal/Purpose of Fund (approx. 50 -75 words/ 1 small paragraph) 1 mark
  • Describe the overall changes you want to accomplish
  • Use result/change words: improve, reduce, enhance, expand, decrease, prevent, maintain, etc.
  • Change means change in attitude, behaviour, socio-economic conditions, infrastructure, service improvement, etc.
  • Project Description (approx. 500 to 750 words/ 2-3 pages) 2 marks
  • How do you plan to address community needs utilizing community assets and capacities?
  • Demonstrate that each project objective is SMART (i.e. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-specific) and therefore credible.
  • Use activity/action words: facilitate, conduct, deliver, promote, train, provide, repair, etc.
  • Under each objective, briefly describe specific activities that relates to the objective.
  • Your project objectives and activities must be based on Community Development Principles and Elements. 
  • Detail why your proposed strategies and activities are unique and innovative and will effectively respond to the community needs.
  • Project Organization (approx. 100 -150 words/ 2 small paragraphs) 1 mark
  • How will the proposed project be implemented? Outline your human resource plan (number of project staff and volunteers who will be engaged in the project). Please allocate staff and volunteer costs in the project budget.
  • Create a project organogram to show human resources for project administration.
  • Community Engagement (approx. 150 -200 words/ 2-3 small paragraphs) 1 mark
  • Demonstrate how the project participants, such as low-income residents and other equity seeking groups, will be involved and participate in the project.
  • Explain methods used for community involvement, engagement, participation, and empowerment (avoid “clientizing” members of the community).
  • What strategies are you using to build power in the community?
  • What steps will you take to try and ensure the project is sustainable?
  • Theoretical basis for the interventions (approx. 150 -200 words/ 2 small paragraphs)           2 marks
  • Your project activities, objectives, and goals must be connected to at least one or two Community Development theories (e.g. Systems Theory; Anti-Oppressive Practice; Indigenous Worldviews, etc.)
  • Create a diagram on theory of change
  • Monitoring and Evaluation (approx. 150 -200 words/ 2-3 small paragraphs) 1 mark
  • How will you recognize if you’re running a successful project? 
  • Determine how you will monitor your project (planned activities vs. progress and corrective actions).
  • How will you measure your program outcomes? (planned objectives and results/outcome and project goal)
  • Describe types of documents (i.e. attendance, meeting minutes etc.) and systems (excel database) your agency will use to record data and assess progress.
  • Describe types of methods (i.e. survey, case study, interview, Focus Group Discussion, etc.) that will be used to evaluate project outcome/results.
  1. Project Learning and Results Dissemination (approx. 100 -150 words/ 2 small paragraphs)

1 mark

  • Describe how project achievements and lesson learned will be shared with United Way and relevant stakeholders (other neighbourhoods, agencies, policy makers).
  • How will your agency work with UW as a partner in sharing best practices?
  • Demonstrate the capacity to act as a local convener/issue leader.
  1. Work Plan (1 year/12 months) (1 page as per appendix 1) 1 mark
  2. Outline the specific tasks/activities in sequence (beginning to end of the project) to achieve project goals.
  3. Mention timeline (date ranges) and milestones of when you will start and end each major activity.
  4. Consider seasons, weather and timing for your project activities.
  5. Please see an example of a Work Plan in Appendix 1.
  1. Project Cost/Budget (For 1 year, and $75000 from UWGT) (1 page as per Appendix 2)

1 mark

  • The project budget is an estimate of all the funds needed to carry out the activities of the project.
  • Budgets are broken down into individual lines that are determined by what the funder wants to see and the actual costs of your project (e.g. staff salaries and other project administration cost).
  • Do not put any ineligible costs under the funder’s column. 
  • Please see a budget template in Appendix 2.

Appendix 1: Work Plan/Project Implementation Plan: Example

Project Activities/            Month>123456789101112
Project Charter approvalX           
Staff Recruitment
Project Coordinator Community AnimatorsX           
Project Activities
Outreach to 200 families  XX        
Community education through community events (human rights, Charter rights, diversity, sexuality and gender variance)    XX       
Dialogue with parents on challenges, resources and support for LGBTQ+ youth.       XXX    
Establish and support community action group, and work with community at large, service providers and policy makers      XXXX  
Communications, creating webpage, social media for community and stakeholder engagement, project learning dissemination  XXXXXXXXXXX
Project evaluation by participants           X 
Project closer, celebration and future plan           X

Appendix 2: Budget Template for Grant Proposal

Expenses/ ItemsExpense Descriptions/ Calculations (Unit cost/number of events/ hours/ months etc.)Funder Contribution  Agency/ Community ContributionTotal
Personnel Cost    
Position A    
Position B    
Sub Total (A+B)    
Subtotal Personnel Cost    
Non-personnel: Project Administration    
Event Materials    
Advertisement/Outreach/ Social Media    
Research/Project Evaluation    
Volunteer & partner appreciation    
Office Supplies & printing    
Space Rental    
Internet and Cell Phone    
Accountant (15%)    
Office Rent (partly)    
Subtotal Non-personnel    
Total Project Cost (1 +2)    

** Budget must be related with project activities and staffing

*** You can include eligible cost under expenses column indicated by United Way. In this case, you will need to delete some items from the expenses list.


Part A: 15
Descriptive Part. Mark(s) assigned beside each point.You will get full marks if you answer all the questions under each point as per the guideline. But do not include questions in your assignment text, only create small paragraphs under each point. 

Important Note:

  • You will get full marks if you answer all the questions under each point as per the guideline. But do not include questions in your assignment text, only create small paragraphs under each point. 
  • 5 marks will be deducted if link/connection missing between community needs, target audience, project goals, activities and budget.

Part B: 10 marks

PowerPoint slide (text & Design): 5 marks
Presentation & Attendance: 5 marks

  • Presentation should be poised and clearly communicated.
  • Time management, excellent coordination and transition while presenting.

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